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Beer starts being sold in Portugal.
In 1680, Pátio de Atafona, located in the former parish of Conceição Nova, changes its name to Pátio da "Serveja" (“Beer Patio”).
Luso Baths
We received the news in “Aquilégio Medicinal” (1st inventory of Portuguese mineral waters), written by Dr. Francisco da Fonseca Henriques, of the existence of a “(...) hot water body, which has been named Bath ...”. Even though the “Bath” is only used for therapeutic purposes half a century later, Dr. Francisco da Fonseca Henriques already refers to this water body as a therapeutic water with medicinal powers.

D. Maria I and Luso Baths
Date from which the “Bath” began to be used to heal skin diseases. In “Notícia dos Banhos de Luso”, written by Dr. António Augusto da Costa Simões, we learn that the person who discovered the water’s therapeutic qualities was “(...) a doctor from the area, assistant at Lameira de S. Pedro, José António de Morais, a distinguished physician who was called to the Paço (palace) and treated Queen D. Maria I from a serious ailment. In turn the queen granted him the habit of the Order of Christ, with the privilege of the Royal House and with honours and ordained Lente da Universidade (university professor).

News about Luso Baths
“Fr. Christovão dos Reis, a barefoot Carmelite and pharmacist at the convent in Braga” writes about the Luso bath waters in his book “Reflexões experimentaes methodico botanicas”.By 1801, seven beer breweries and fizzy drinks’ plants operate in Porto, all of which producing small quantities and selling bottled English beer.

First Beer Brewery in Portugal
First brewery, supposedly named Real Fábrica de Cerveja e Genebra do Vale do Pereiro, is set up by the Frenchman, Claude Sauvinat. Dating from the same period, is the brewery in Rua Flor da Murta (now Rua de São Bento), also belonging to a Frenchman, Jacques Maillard.
Beer and fizzy drinks’ factories in Porto
Fábrica de Cerveja da Trindade
In 1836, Manuel Moreira Garcia took the initiative of setting up Fábrica de Cerveja da Trindade in Rua Nova da Trindade, in Lisbon.

Luso Thermal Baths
The Mealhada Town Council replaces the timber stalls, ordered to be built around the water spring by Dr. José António de Morais, by a masonry house, where today stands the Thermal Spa’s ‘Buvette’. This small house was originally “(...) a 5x5m square, 2.3m high up to the eaves. It was divided into a cross by wooden partitions, into four equal parts. In each of these there was a bath and a wooden floor board.”
Sociedade para o Melhoramento dos Banhos de Luso
“Sociedade para o Melhoramento dos Banhos de Luso” is founded on August 25, at the initiative of Dr. António Augusto da Costa Simões, Dr. Francisco António Diniz and Alexandre Assis Leão.
Melhoramento dos Banhos de Luso Royal Charter
The statutes of Sociedade Para o Melhoramento dos Banhos de Luso are approved and confirmed by Royal Charter. The company’s share capital of 3.000$000 réis and “(...) is represented by three hundred shares of 10$000 réis each...”
Construction of new Luso Baths building
The masonry house built by the Mealhada Town Council in 1838 is demolished and additional land and materials are purchased for construction of the new Luso Baths’ building. On July 22, the first stone is laid for the foundations of the new hydrotherapeutic facilities, its inauguration taking place June 1, 1856.

Fábrica de Cerveja Jansen
In 1855, the plant belonging to the company Michael Gerards & Ca. starts production in Rua do Tesouro Velho. Later on, it is transferred to an area that is part of the Casa de Bragança property in Rua do Tesouro Velho and Rua do Alecrim, rented out to the Danish citizen, John Henri Jansen and the brewery changes its name to Fábrica de Cerveja Jansen.
Fábrica de Cerveja Leão
Em 1878, é montada, num pátio, na Rua dos Arroios, a Fábrica de Cerveja Leão. São seus donos José Varela e Jacinto Franco, ex-empregados da Fábrica Jansen, que abrem na Baixa, ao lado do restaurante do mesmo nome, a Cervejaria Leão.

3 920 litres of Água de Luso sold to thermal bath users
“(...) In addition to the water drunk in the facilities, the amount of water sold outside totalled 3 920 litres during the festive season”.
Água Termal de Luso is recognised as an excellent table water: “(...) in sum, given that ‘água thermal de Luso’ is excellent, it has a long and prosperous future in terms of internal consumption”.
Breweries in Lisbon
By 1883, there are six breweries in Lisbon in fierce competition, going as far as agreeing on sale prices and conditions. Maximiliano Schrerk and Frederico Vinchtel Forman set up a company in Porto, and build their brewery in Rua da Piedosa.
Companhia União Fabril Portuense
By 1890, seven fizzy drinks, liqueur, cognac and beer breweries merge to form Companhia União Fabril Portuense.
Água Termal de Luso sold to the general public for the first time
Concession Permit no. 112 is granted on 17/05/1894 to Sociedade para o Melhoramento dos Banhos de Luso for the thermal waters’ operation. Água Termal de Luso sold to the public for the first time.
Launch of Água Gazosa das Águas de Moura
Launch of water brand Água Minero Gazosa Natural by Empreza das Águas de Moura, owned by Assis e Companhia Lda.

New Banhos Luso Equipment
The management of Sociedade Para o Melhoramento dos Banhos de Luso purchases “(...) special machines for washing, filling and inserting stoppers in bottles … so that water reaches consumers’ hands in its purest state and inspiring its well-deserved trust.”
Acquisition of Água de Luso bottles for shipment
For the first time in its history, the company acquires 5, 10, 15 and 20-litre bottles to facilitate water shipment to the country’s main markets, which were named “Luso thermal water deposits”. Bottling in individual specific containers begins, with the appointment of a permanent employee to work in the bottling area “(...) to take care of, even during bath-use off season, water bottling and ensure conservation and cleaning of the facilities, machines, clothing, furniture, etc.”

Companhia Portuguesa de Cervejas
Incorporation of Companhia Portuguesa de Cervejas with Fábrica Leão as one of its shareholders.
Água Termal de Luso “Extremely pure water”
For the first time Dr. Charles Lepierre undertakes a bacteriologic test of Água Termal de Luso, classifying it as “Extremely Pure Water” or very pure.

New building for Água Termal de Luso bottling
A new building is built next to the Thermal Facilities for installation of a “(...) disinfection chamber … to disinfect large bottles, bottles and respective stoppers, seals, capsules and labels”. During project stage, this new building was expanded to be also used for bottling Água Termal de Luso.
Água Castello now available in the USA
Água Castello available in the US market for the first time, being awarded a silver medal and a diploma signed by President Theodore Roosevelt.

Supplier of the Portuguese Royal Family
Água Castello became the Portuguese Royal Family’s favorite sparkling water brand. It is the only Mineral Water brand to be granted this charter.
Água Termal de Luso sales
Sales of Água Termal de Luso total 34 682 litres.
Extension of Água Termal de Luso bottling facilities
Built in 1904 next to the Thermal Bath for bottling Água Termal de Luso, the building is extended, and the previous 3 taps are replaced by a series of 7 taps to increase filling capacity.
“Crown” cap
Água Castello is the first brand in the bottled water sector to adopt “crown” caps for its bottles.

Fábrica Germânia
Fábrica Leão changes its name to Fábrica Germânia.

Água Termal de Luso receives distinction award
Água Termal de Luso is awarded a gold medal at the Mineral Water Exhibition in Madrid.
Fábrica Germânia
Fábrica Germânia moves to Avenida Almirante Reis.

Água Termal de Luso
Sales of Água Termal de Luso exceed one million litres.
Fábrica da Portugália
Germânia changes its name to Portugália.

New statutes of Sociedade da Água de Luso, S.A.R.L.
The new statutes of Sociedade da Água de Luso, S.A.R.L. are approved and published in “Diário do Governo” on December 22, replacing Sociedade Para o Melhoramento dos Banhos de Luso. An assistant full-time physician is appointed to manage and supervise water bottling. Bacteriologic tests of Água Termal de Luso are carried out every three months.
Sociedade da Água de Luso, S.A.R.L. Logo
The company’s first logo, which is used until 1938, is seen for the first time in the Annual Report & Accounts.

Project for the new building of Água Termal de Luso.
The management of Sociedade da Água de Luso hires Dr. Oliveira Luses and Eng. Freire de Andrade to prepare the project for the new bottling building of Água Termal de Luso.
Fábrica da Estrela
Establishment of Sociedade de Cervejas Lda., followed by Companhia de Cervejas da Estrela, which requests the construction of Fábrica da Estrela.
Truck needed to transport Água Termal de Luso
The great difficulty during this the post-war period in finding the means to transport Água Termal de Luso leads the company to purchase a “(...) motor truck”.

Companhia Produtora de Malte e Cerveja Portugália
Portugália changes its name to Companhia Produtora de Malte e Cerveja Portugália and builds a malt production plant close to the brewery using national barley species as its raw material.

Companhia de Cerveja de Coimbra
Establishment of Companhia de Cerveja de Coimbra, which sets up a factory in Avenida Navarro in Coimbra.

Casino Peninsular da Figueira da Foz
Lease agreement signed between Sociedade da Água de Luso and Casino Peninsular da Figueira da Foz ends, and the company starts operating it directly.

New bottling building of Água Termal de Luso
A new building is specifically built for bottling Água Termal de Luso (current headquarters), where bottling continued until 1970.

Portuguese beer market
The Portuguese beer market is supplied by six companies: Portugália, Estrela, Companhia União Fabril Portuense, Companhia da Fábrica de Cerveja Jansen, Companhia de Cervejas de Coimbra and Fábrica de Cervejas Trindade, this last one established in 1836.
Beer industry
The national crisis, combined with the great World Depression, has a negative impact in brewing companies’ business.
Casino do Luso
Upgrading and restructuring works in various divisions in the Casino. The Casino’s café becomes an independent unit remaining as such until now.

New equipment in the facilities of Água Termal de Luso
Sales of Água Termal de Luso reach almost 2 million litres. Acquisition of new washing, filling and encapsulating machines.
1934 - 1969
Humberto Pelágio

Birth of SCC
Sociedade Central de Cervejas (SCC) was born as a result of the association between Companhia Produtora de Malte e Cerveja Portugália, Companhia de Cervejas Estrela, Companhia da Fábrica de Cerveja Jansen and Companhia de Cervejas de Coimbra.

Fábrica de Cervejas Trindade
The assets of Fábrica de Cervejas Trindade, including its beer house, are incorporated in SCC.
Sociedade Central de Cervejas’ production
Beer production by Sociedade Central de Cervejas totals 5.1 million litres.
Bottling Plant in Pisões
Inauguration of Bottling Plant in Pisões with installation of a semi-automatic line and lab specialized in water testing.

Registration of Água de Luso’s logo
The first registration of the company’s current logo takes place on July 10, inspired in the sculpture by the famous master, João da Silva. It was used in the decoration of the ‘Buvette’ (water fountain) in the Thermal Baths shortly after the remodeling works carried out in 1934, and is still there today. The water fountain is also decorated with a stained glass of rare beauty by Ricardo Léon.

Launch of Sagres beer
Taking advantage of the historic moment of the Portuguese World Exhibition and after careful tests, SCC launches a new beer in the market: SAGRES®.

Imperial beer
IMPERIAL®, a luxury brand, appears in the market by the hands of SCC, lending its name to the still famous draught beer.

Beer exports begin
Beer exports begin, first to Gibraltar, then to the Azores and the overseas territories of Angola, Cape Verde Islands, Guinea, S. Tomé and Príncipe, Timor, Goa, Macau and sometimes Mozambique. Approximately 70 000 litres are sold annually to foreign boats mooring in Lisbon.

Post World War II period
At the end of the agitated period after the Second World War, SCC’s Managing Board, chaired by Humberto Pelágio, begins a production and commercial development plan, which will be the embryo of the economic group Central de Cervejas.
CUCA-Companhia União de Cervejas de Angola, SARL
SCC Group’s companies and CUFP acquire shareholding in CUCA - Companhia União de Cervejas de Angola, SARL, whose share capital amounts to 5 million escudos. This is the beginning of the Company’s presence in Africa. The main objective is to build a brewery in Luanda or Lobito.

Factory renewal
Through a public deed signed between SCC’s four shareholding brewers, the factory renewal plan is formalized.
Portugália construction
Construction of the new Portugália Malt Factory begins, coming into operation two years later.

Pyrographed label
The new Sagres bottle, with a pyrographed label, is launched in the market.

SCC partners with Schweppes
SCC partners with Schweppes to sell its Tonic Water, Soda Water and Lemonade.
Launch of Schweppes Laranjada and Ginger Ale.
Pepsi Cola
Launch of Pepsi Cola, whose sale is suspended five days later by SCC.
Topázio and Onyx beers
Leaving its old premises in Navarro, Companhia de Cervejas de Coimbra inaugurates its new brewery in Loreto, in the heart of the industrial area, focusing its production on two regional brands, TOPAZIO ® and ONYX ®.

Água Castello TV Ad
Água Castello launches its first TV ad starring António Silva.

Água de Luso acquisition
SCC buys LUSO®, the oldest Portuguese natural mineral water.

Advertising campaign development
Faced with the economic crisis triggered by the onset of the hostilities in the Overseas Territories, with a negative impact on beer sales, SCC develops intense advertising campaigns.
"Cerveja Sagres, a sede que se deseja"
The poet José Carlos Ary dos Santos creates the slogan which became famous: "Cerveja Sagres, a sede que se deseja" (“Cerveja SAGRES®, the thirst you wish for”). Owing to the economic crisis triggered by the hostilities taking place in the Overseas Territories, with a negative impact on beer Sales, SCC launches intense advertising campaigns.

“D. Dinis Prize”
SCC institutes the “D. Dinis Prize”, supporting 641 students in various school levels during 10 years.

Prior Velho
Company’s management buys land plot in Quinta do Prior Velho to build a warehouse to store Água Termal de Luso in the Lisbon area. Water sales services are also relocated to this warehouse.
Sociedade Central de Cervejas construction Project
The associated companies’ brewing is now directly undertaken by Sociedade Central de Cervejas, and the Board decides to go ahead with the Project for the construction of a new factory. After several studies and surveys, the company purchases 35 hectares in Vialonga (Alverca), guaranteeing the plant’s future water supplies from nearby Rio Alviela, much in the same way as Dortmund, one of the world’s top beers at the time. The entire project is led by the company’s Director, Beirão da Veiga. Also in the same year, SCC acquires a shareholding in Empresa de Cervejas da Madeira, Lda. and in João de Melo Abreu, Lda.

Água de Luso new bottling facilities
The remarkable increase in Água Termal de Luso sales, which totaled 9 million litres at the end of the year, calls for the urgent need to create better bottling conditions. Thus the beginning of construction of the new facilities in Sítio dos Moinhos.
Água Termal de Luso Sales
Sales of Água Termal de Luso exceed six million litres.
Earthworks in Vialonga
Earthworks for implantation of the Vialonga industrial plant begin.

Beer brewing
Beer brewing increases to 50 million litres, representing a 61% growth in relation to 1960.
Vialonga Plant Inauguration
Production starts at the Vialonga Plant, the country's largest beer brewing unit, with capacity for responding to the needs of both domestic and foreign markets. The new plant, designed by architect Eduardo Iglésias, was inaugurated on June 22. In an investment of 360 million Escudos, the new plant had a production capacity of 110 million litres of beer, 21 million litres of soft drinks and 50 000 tons of malt. The plant's major façade was designed by Eduardo Nery, a Portuguese artist with a vast production on tile, tapestry, mosaic, stained-glass and drawings on cobblestone sidewalks. Also by the same artist are the black and white pavements inside the plant, the horizontal band decoration on the silos' walls as well as a project for one of the boiler rooms. These and other works by Eduardo Nery are admired by architects and artists, critics, designers and people in the arts scene both in Portugal and abroad.

Corporate Image
SCC changes its Corporate Image.

Cergal, Copeja and Imperial
The industrial conditioning policy, in force since 1931, comes to an end. New breweries are authorized to operate as is the case of Cergal – Cervejas de Portugal, SARL, Copeja, in Santarém (producing the beer brand, Clock) and Imperial, in Loulé, producing the beer brand, Marina.
1969 - 1975
Carlos Moreira Rato

SCC purchases 52.5% of Sociedade da Água de Luso
SCC purchases 52.5% of Sociedade da Água de Luso’s share capital and starts selling its products. SCC also acquires a shareholding in the company Adegas Camillo Alves, SARL. Profits for the year amount to approximately 87 million.

Água Termal de Luso Sales
Thanks to the new bottling system, sales of Água Termal de Luso exceed 17 million litres after one year in operation. According to documents from that period, Água Termal de Luso resumes its leading position in the bottled water market in Portugal.
Prior Velho warehouse
Warehouse 1 starts operating in Prior Velho.

Construction works at the brewery in Venda Seca (Belas)
CERGAL® begins construction works at the brewery in Venda Seca (Belas). Its annual beer production capacity will be around 250 000 hectolitres.

Launch of Sagres Mini (Small Sagres bottle)
SAGRES® beer launches the famous Mini format, very innovative at the time.

Água Termal de Luso Sales
Sales of Água Termal de Luso reach 23 million litres.
Wood crates replaced by plastic ones
Plastic crates replace the wooden ones used in the market until 1971.

SCC signs an agreement with "Carlsberg AS" for the production and sale of its Carlsberg beer.
Other important milestones:
* Warehouse in Porto begins operating.
* Companhia de Cervejas de Coimbra increases production capacity to 10 million litres.
Replacement of Água de Luso wood crates by plastic ones
Several investments are made in Água de Luso Industrial Plant: reconversion of wood crates into plastic ones, storage space extension, new machinery acquisition, launch of light one-way glass bottles (exports market), ground investigation and drilling to increase Água de Luso flow.
Incorporation of Parfil
SCC’s major shareholders decide to set up Parfil – Sociedade de Gestão de Participações Financeiras to manage its shareholdings in other companies, including those of the brewery itself. The share capital is increased to 550 million escudos, and the Company’s shares are for the first time offered to public subscription. Of the 250 000 new shares, 5 000 (representative of 0.9% of the capital) are for employees and 50 000 (9.1% of the capital) are sold to the public in general. Parfil keeps 60%, Portugália 12.6%, Estrela 12.6%, Coimbra 3%, and Jansen 1.8%.
Água de Luso sales growth
Água Termal de Luso sales exceed 33 million litres, in other words, ten million litres more than in the previous year. Business restructuring planned in 1970 with Central de Cervejas is also completed, meaning that the area of Porto and the section north of the Douro River are now fully covered.
Água Termal de Luso sales expansion
To keep up with Água Termal de Luso sales growth it is necessary to drill another borehole within the perimeter of the thermal baths, at a depth of 40/50 meters, northwest of the thermal spring.
Água Termal de Luso and Beer Sales
Sales of Água Termal de Luso with water from the new borehole exceed 43 million litres.
In 1975 SCC sells 185 million litres of beer.
Institutional image
SCC changes its institutional image.

Catujal plant
Soft drink production is transferred from Vialonga to the recently opened Catujal plant.
SCC is nationalized
As per recommendation of the Revolution Committee the State becomes involved in the Company’s management, with the appointment of an Administrative Committee on March 21. On August 30, SCC is nationalized.
Silva Nunes
Beer Sector Restructuring
Beer Sector Restructuring Committee appointment.
Angolan Government confiscates Cuca on May 26 of this year.
Pepsi Cola drinks available in the market again.
Beer Sector Restructuring
Continuing its expansion strategy, Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, EP participates in the formation of CICER (Companhia Industrial de Cervejas e Refrigerantes da Guiné-Bissau, Lda), according to the "Special Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of Guiné-Bissau".
Through a merger operation, the five beer companies in Portugal are grouped into two entities: Centralcer – Central de Cervejas EP which comprises Sociedade Central de Cervejas and Cergal – and Unicer, which includes CUFP, Copeja and Imperial. Centralcer inherits Cergal’s accumulated liabilities of more than 600 million escudos, of which 347 million refer to Sales Taxes which the Company must pay the State.

1978 - 1979
José de Oliveira Marques

1979 - 1980
Luís Deslandes

Government reinforces Centralcer’s equity capital
The Government decides to reinforce the equity capital of Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, EP granting it a first instalment of 196 500 million escudos of an approved total of 940 million escudos.
Packaging materials policy
The Company introduces returnable packaging materials policy.
Factory in Catujal
Soft drinks factory in Catujal is shut down and production moves to Belas.
Cergal Deferred Sales Tax
The previously agreed four-instalment Sales Tax deferred payment, by former Cergal, is cancelled and subject to a fine.
Capital injection previously agreed by the Government, in the amount of 229 250 million escudos, is not granted.
1980 - 1983
Virgílio Teixeira Lopo

Launch of Água de Luso PVC bottle
Sales of Água Mineral de Luso record highest growth to date, thanks to the contribution of the 1.5-litre one-way PVC (polycarbonate vinyl) bottle, exceeding all sales forecasts.
The company’s first package in this new material, an alternative to traditional glass, leads to contracts signed with the package-producing company, Aquapak, owned by Logoplaste group.
Água de Luso price regime
On February 13, Decrees 144/77 of March 19 and 244/79 of May 28 are revoked by Decree 179/81 of the Secretary of State for Commerce, so that Mineral-Medicinal and Table Waters are no longer subject to the maximum price regime and instead to the reported sales price.
Investments in Água de Luso Industrial Plant
A number of complex and major works are carried out in Água de Luso Industrial Plant, including earth works, construction of support walls, creation of access and circulation roads, glass bottle and broken glass reception banks, construction of division for packaging producer (Aquapak), general maintenance workshops (for forklift repair) and construction of a building reserved for social purposes (changing rooms, cafeteria with lounge, medical facilities and offices for Occupational Doctor and Social Workers).
Board of Sociedade da Água de Luso, S.A. assigns Geoestudos the study of Água Mineral de Luso’s aquifer.
Government’s support to Centralcer
Government’s support agreed to be given the Company in 1978 not yet granted. The signing of another agreement with the Government, also planned since 1980 for the economic and financial recovery of Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, EP also not fulfilled. Considering this scenario, the Company has only one solution left: it must resort to a bank loan to overcome fund shortage.
Launch of 5-litre Água de Luso bottle
As a great alternative to glass, the new 5-litre returnable bottle called “Makrolon” is launched. It is light, resistant and technologically advanced.
- Água Mineral de Luso sales exceed 100 million litres.
Green-Sands Production
Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, EP signs a contract with the Dutch brewery, HEINEKEN®, for the production of a new beverage called GREEN-SANDS®.
1983 - 1984
João Bártolo (Provisional)

Launch of Pilsner JANSEN®, celebrating Fábrica JANSEN®'s 130 years of brewing.
New Product Launch
Launch of Carlsberg Pilsener and Carlsberg's Tonic Water as well as a new soft drink brand - STAR ®, an orange juice, lemonade and fizzy lime-lemon drink.
Schweppes agreement
The agreement with Schweppes finishes and SCC ceases to sell its products.
1984 - 1988
Eusébio Marques de Carvalho

CERIS - Empresa de Cervejas de Cabo Verde
Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, EP acquires a shareholding in CERIS (Empresa de Cervejas de Cabo Verde).
Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, EP’s accumulated losses amount to 2.7 billion escudos, not only on account of the above mentioned facts, but also due to the Portuguese economic crisis, in general, and the beer industry, in particular. The Company proceeds to the first stage of reconversion of short term borrowed funds into medium/long term debt and consolidates 2.5 billion escudos of short-term liabilities issuing a 1 billion Escudos bond loan.
Centralcer Participation Securities
Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, EP is the first non-financial company to issue shares in the amount of 3 billion escudos. Its equity capital totals 3 900 million escudos.

SCC’s corporate image
SCC changes its corporate image.

Água Mineral de Luso Sales
Água Mineral de Luso sales total 116 million litres
Vialonga 20th anniversary
Vialonga plant celebrates its 20th anniversary

Central de Cervejas Pension Fund
Company sets up a Pension Fund for its employees.
Central de Cervejas restructuring
The new Board of Directors, chaired by Morais Barroco, proceeds to the Company’s restructuring, particularly focused on Sales, elaborating a modernization plan with impact on the industrial and administrative areas.
1988 - 1991
Baltazar Morais Barroco

Água de Luso 0.33-litre bottle
First Água Mineral de Luso non-returnable 0.33-litre PVC bottle launched in the market.
Centralcer: Economic and financial situation
Government announces its intention to privatize 100% of the Company’s capital.
Turnaround in the Company’s economic and financial situation. Sales shoot up and Sagres consolidates its market leadership, with a share of 45%. The implemented rationalization and productivity programs begin to bear fruit, with net profits for the year totaling 929 million escudos, that is, 91% more than in 1988. Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, EP launches 8 billion escudos investment program, to be carried out until 1992, to promote modernization and productivity.
Centralcer Privatization
The Company’s capital is totally privatized. This is the first 100% privatization operation ever performed in Portugal. Bavaria Group acquires a shareholding in Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, S.A. and becomes one of its major shareholders.
Sagres 50th anniversary
Sagres celebrates its 50th anniversary.
Centralcer’s restructuring
Following the Company’s privatization, a restructuring and modernization program is implemented, the aim of which is to achieve competition and quality levels adequate with those in the European community market.
1991 - 1993
Vitor Hernandez

New Água Mineral de Luso 5-litre bottle
To recover part of the market share lost with the launch of the returnable bottle Makrolon, a new non-returnable Água Mineral de Luso 5-litre PVC bottle is launched.
Works begin in Água de Luso Industrial Plant, which include extension of the factory building for silo installation, thus increasing 5-litre PVC bottle storage space.
Golden Beer
Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, S.A launches GOLDEN BEER®.

Central de Cervejas Restructures its Distribution Network
Distribution network restructuring, opting for an outsourced service. Combined with the industrial area’s modernization and new outsourced distribution, the company needs considerable financing and resorts to bank loans.
Concession to operate Água Mineral de Luso
On July 20, a concession agreement is signed between Água Mineral de Luso and the Portuguese State through the Ministry of Industry and Energy and Sociedade da Água de Luso, the extract of which was published in Diário da República no. 229, III series dated 29/09/93.
Água de Luso: “Water Purity and Quality”
Investment required in marketing campaigns, whose success is reflected in the different prizes awarded to the brand. A specific image of Água de Luso is effectively conveyed: “Water Purity and Quality”.
National Football League
Central de Cervejas starts sponsoring the National Football League.
JANSEN® sem álcool
Launch of the non-alcoholic Jansen beer.
1993 - 1995
Cipriano Henao Marin

NP ISO 9002 certification of Água Mineral Natural de Luso awarded by the Portuguese Quality Institute.
Jornal da Cerveja
Launch of "Jornal da Cerveja" (Beer Newspaper) which is sent by mail to all customers, with an initial print of 25 000 copies. With this newspaper, the Company hopes to improve its brands’ connection with the market.

Corporate image
SCC changes its corporate image.

SCC’s head office
The Board of Directors as well as the administrative and financial services are transferred from the head office, in Lisbon, (Av. Almirante Reis, 115), to Vialonga.
BUDWEISER® now sold by Central de Cervejas
Imperial Beer
IMPERIAL® beer is re-launched in the market.
1995 - 2000
Dario Castaño Zapata

Customer Service Line
With the aim of fully satisfying its customers and convinced that things can be improved at all levels, Central de Cervejas implements a new phone service to handle customer complaints.
Keg Line
The Company develops an innovative project involving the extension/modernization of its Keg Line, enabling it to respond to market needs and guarantee better product control.
Água de Luso 0.5-litre bottle
First non-returnable Água Mineral de Luso 0.5-litre bottle launched in the market.
ISO 9001
Central de Cervejas Quality System is granted the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate by the Portuguese Quality Institute. It is the first Portuguese brewery to be awarded this certificate.

Bond loan
The Company finances itself through a bond loan in the amount of 9 billion escudos for a five- year period, which enables it to convert its short-term debt into long-term debt and to adapt its financial structure to the business’s needs.
Belas factory
Pursuing the industrial concentration policy, the Belas soft drinks’ factory is transferred to Vialonga.
Vialonga self-supply
Drilling of water boreholes in the plot around Vialonga factory for self-supply.
Água Castello Can
Água Castello is the first Portuguese mineral water to launch the 33cl can format in the market.

New Água de Luso packages
Água de Luso 1.5 litre, 0.5 litre and 0.33 litre PVC packages replaced by new PET packages, benefitting the image of Água Mineral Natural de Luso for its crystallinity, shock resistance and environmental protection.
One-way bottle packaging line
Centralcer – Central de Cervejas, S.A invests around 1.5 billion escudos in the new one-way bottle packaging line.

Launch of 0.75 litre Luso Sport Pack bottle and 5 litre Água de Luso PET bottle
The 0.75 litre Sport Pack Luso bottle is launched in the market during Estoril Open.
The 5 litre Água de Luso PET bottle is launched at the end of May.
Central de Cervejas sells its shareholding in CICER (Companhia Industrial de Cervejas e Refrigerantes da Guiné-Bissau, Lda).
Prior Velho Warehouse is shut down
To make the most of the Company’s existing synergies and improve its efficiency and profitability, sales services are concentrated in Vialonga. The warehouse in Prior Velho and Porto are shut down.
Customer Service Hotline
During 1998, the Company generates enough funds to finance its business and investments, allowing it to reduce 1.9 billion escudos of its debt. Central de Cervejas extends its Customer Service Hotline with a new Toll Free Number - 800 20 17 71 – written on the labels of all its beer brands, water and soft drinks, thus assisting thousands of Portuguese consumers.
Central de Cervejas financial restructuring
During 1998, the Company generates enough funds to finance its business and investments, allowing it to reduce 1.9 billion escudos of its debt.
To conclude its financial restructuring, Central de Cervejas issues two Negotiable Paper programs of 1 and 2 billion escudos, resulting from the conversion of short-term debt into medium/long term debt.
Launch of Luso Ice Cubes
Sociedade da Água de Luso launches “Gelo Luso” (Luso ice cubes) packed in boxes of 36 cubes.
Soft drink ‘Spirit’
Company launches new soft drink brand in the market, SPIRIT®, in orange, cola and lime-lemon flavors, exclusively sold in 20-litre kegs, for this purpose purchasing a new automatic filling line with a capacity for 120 kegs / hour.

Football Teams’ beer
Based on an agreement signed with the three major football teams – Porto, Sporting and Benfica – Central de Cervejas developed and started producing three new beers with very specific characteristics, each identifying with the respective club.

Waste Water Pre-Treatment Station
The construction of a Waste Water Pre-Treatment Station illustrates the importance which Central de Cervejas gives to environmental preservation. This Project will be complemented by a Waste Water Treatment Station to be built at the Vialonga Plant.
Bavaria Group
The Bavaria Group sold its shareholding in Central de Cervejas to Parfil, a group of Portuguese companies, formed by Portugália, BES, Fundação Bissaya Barreto, Olinveste and Fundação Oriente, which took over the Company’s management in April.
Água de Luso, a “Certified Product”
Sociedade da Água de Luso, S.A. (SAL) submitted its application for obtaining the “Certified Product” brand in February 1999. It is the first water brand to go ahead with this challenge. On April 2000, SAL received the license to use the Certified Water Brand logo on its products.
Scottish & Newcastle acquire shareholding in Central de Cervejas capital
Later in the year, an agreement was signed between Parfil and Scottish & Newcastle, one of the largest European brewers, according to which the latter acquired a 49% shareholding in Central de Cervejas.
2002 - 2002
Arnaldo Navarro Machado

“Ajudar. Tão natural como a sua sede.”
In partnership with OIKOS, Água de Luso launched the campaign, “Ajudar. Tão natural como a sua sede (Volunteer. Just as natural as quenching your thirst.)” the first of this kind in the Iberian Peninsula, consisting in the donation of 1$00 for each litre of Água de Luso. These funds will be used in the construction of drinking water wells in Mozambique.
Água de Luso, a “Melhor Água do Ano”
Selected among the top 100 consumer good brands, renowned for their prestige and quality, Água de Luso was voted “Best Water of the Year” by Lifestyle Europe.
Company changes corporate name
At the end of 2001, the group of companies to which Central de Cervejas belongs was restructured, and after its merger with another four companies in the Group, a new company is formed called, Central Control, which directly or indirectly owns all its share capital. After the merger, the new entity adopted the name SCC - Sociedade Central de Cervejas, SA and its head office was transferred to Vialonga.
Flavored Água Castello
Água Castello once again proves its pioneering soul with the launch of the first flavored sparkling water in the domestic market.

Água de Luso Júnior
Launch of new Luso Júnior bottle, “a água para beber a brincar” (the water to be enjoyed while playing).

SAL’s 150th anniversary
Sociedade Água de Luso celebrates its 150th anniversary this year.
Sagres new image
Renovation and modernization of SAGRES’ image begins in 2002 and ends in 2004 in a total investment of over 45 million Euros.
Sagres is the world's top selling Portuguese beer brand (2.9 million hectolitres), including the domestic and exports markets. The main export markets are Angola, Cape Verde Islands, Spain, France and Switzerland.
Implementation of the three packaging lines’ modernization program, returnable package yard total renewal, 0.33cl Sagres returnable bottle replaced by long neck bottle as well as other investments to improve productivity and encourage use of new management tools.

Graham Dewar

Água de Luso compactible bottle
Água de Luso launched an innovative product in the Portuguese market, the new 1.5 litre compactible bottle. In addition to fulfilling its consumers’ needs, it has the advantage of being environment friendly. Once used, this bottle is easily compacted manually to one quarter of its original size.

Pipelines from Luso to Cruzeiro
Conclusion of 4km pipeline installation connecting Luso to Cruzeiro, allowing for transfer of Água Mineral Natural Luso between the two sites.
JANSEN® Preta, non-alcoholic beer
Sociedade Central de Cervejas (SCC) reinforces its product portfolio with the launch of new products, amongst which is Jansen Preta, the first pure malt non-alcoholic beer available in the Portuguese market.

Scottish & Newcastle
Scottish & Newcastle acquires 100% of Sociedade Central de Cervejas’ share capital.
Água de Luso bottled at the Cruzeiro plant
Água de Luso starts being bottled at the Cruzeiro plant thanks to the new pipeline infrastructure connecting Luso and Cruzeiro plants.
Rock In Rio – Lisbon
To consolidate Sagres’ market position, SCC sponsors Rock In Rio – Lisbon, the largest musical event ever held in our country, as well as other Summer festivals.

National Football Team
Sagres reinforces its support to the National Football Team, the brand’s oldest sponsored entity.
SCC starts producing Sagres beer in Angola.
Following the merger and consequent structural simplification, the company adopts the name Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, confirming its new position as a company dedicated to the production and distribution of various drinks and not only beer.
The Vialonga co-generation plant is inaugurated, representing an investment of around 5 million Euros, a unique case in national industry, placing SCC at the forefront of industrial modernity.
FOSTER’S® beer
Vialonga brewery authorized to produce FOSTER’S® beer for the Iberian market.
May 2004 - March 2012
Alberto da Ponte

Luso Frigo
In October SAL launches Luso Frigo, an innovative 3-litre package which can be kept in the fridge (specifically designed for this purpose).

New corporate image
SCC changes its image, introducing new corporate brand.

Luso Fresh
Launch of Luso Fresh, “a lightly carbonated water”, a new drinks category in the domestic market. This innovative product reinforces Luso brand’s strength, this time combining the energizing power of the fizz with the water’s hydrating capacity. Apart from the traditional Luso Fresh, two new flavors have been added to this category to fulfil consumers’ needs: Lemon and Guava-Lime.

Água de Luso changes image
Água de Luso changes its image, becoming more modern and refreshed. It is once again voted as the most trusted bottled water brand by the Portuguese.

New product launch
Encouraged by the strong dynamics initiated in 2004, SCC - Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) invests in the launch of new products: Sagres Bohemia, Sagres Zer0% and Luso Fresh (natural or flavored).

Beer Market
SCC launches Sagres Bohemia 1835, a limited edition of a new beer which will be simultaneously celebrating the tremendously successful first anniversary of Sagres Bohemia and the Portuguese beer brewing convent tradition. Sagres Bohemia 1835 was produced based on this 170-year-old science, in a limited edition of the only auburn beer in Portugal, Sagres Bohemia. This specific edition kept the fruity aroma of Sagres Bohemia, with an enhanced flavor complexity that respects the tradition.
Sagres Chopp, with unique characteristics in the Portuguese market and inspired in Brazilian beer recipes, was launched in February. It is a very light beer, with a very refreshing taste.

New product launch
The 75cl SAGRES BOHEMIA and new Luso Fresh flavors (Orange-Raspberry and Peach-Pineapple) are launched in March.
New Luso Fresh package
Luso Fresh changed its image and is now available in new transparent packages. Orange-Raspberry and Peach-Pineapple are the new flavors added to the LUSO Fresh range.

Sagres Selecção
Sagres Selecção is the name of the special edition beer launched by Sagres in May to celebrate the National Football Team’s presence in the World Cup. Featuring in its marketing campaign is Eusébio, the greatest Portuguese football player of all times.

Formas Luso
Formas Luso is one of SCC’s major innovations in 2006. It is the first drink in the world which combines Água de Luso’s nutrients with fibres, with scientifically proved results in weight loss.

Sagres Zer0 Preta
SCC starts the year with one more innovation. SAGRES® Zero, market leader in the non-alcoholic beer segment, launches a new formula in the stout beer segment, SAGRES® Zero Preta. This marks SAGRES® entrance in the non-alcoholic stout beer market.

Formas Luso
Formas Luso voted Product of the Year 2007.
New Água de Luso line
Construction of new aseptic Água de Luso Bottling Line.

Cerveja Sagres renews its image
In March 2007 Sagres beer renews its image, presenting us with a more attractive, young and urban style without losing its deeply rooted relationship with the values of Portugality that identify the brand. The ‘quinas’ (Escutcheons) have not been left out in its new identity, clearly showing how the brand works on improving the Portuguese spirit, adding confidence, openness and joy. Sagres new labels and packs now include the warning ”Be responsible. Drink in Moderation”, a measure adopted for the first time by a Portuguese company. The former “gold” paint is replaced by a mix of colors using eco-friendly paints.

Central de Cervejas acquisition by HEINEKEN
In 2007, following the consortium set up between Carlsberg and Heineken, a takeover bid was made for the acquisition of the Scottish & Newcastle Group. As a result of the negotiations, Heineken acquired and took over control of Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) on April 29, 2008, following the conclusion of the Consortium’s acquisition of Scottish & Newcastle (S&N). This consortium was dissolved after the deal was completed and the traditional healthy relationship between both groups remained untouched.
Ritmo Luso
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) launches RITMO LUSO®, the first water-based drink available in the domestic market, which helps to regulate intestinal transit through its unique association of Água de Luso® (97.2%) and Fiber-Regulax II, a natural fiber combination especially developed by Sociedade Água de Luso®’s Research & Development team. With the launch of FORMAS LUSO®, the brand once again invests in a product aimed at improving its consumers’ quality of living and well-being.

New Água de Luso line
Construction of new aseptic Água de Luso Bottling Line.
Sagres beer is market leader
In October and November 2008 Sagres was leading brand in the domestic beer sector, a historic achievement after 20 years. Likewise, it also ranked first in the domestic market in volume and value, both in the hospitality and major distribution channels.
Cruzeiro Plant
Extension of Cruzeiro plant, with construction of a new production and bottling unit corresponding to a 17 million Euro investment.
In April 2008 and following the efforts undertaken by the Company, SCC’s Vialonga facilities were awarded the Environmental License by the Portuguese Agency for the Environment, mandatory for large dimension industries, which will remain in force until 2013. APCER also granted SCC- Vialonga, the Environmental Certification in accordance with the NP EN ISO 14001 standard. This certificate is valid for 3 years, the Company being subject to annual monitoring and follow-up. The Environmental Certification granted by an external entity, confirms the Company’s capacity and competence to implement the best and most adequate environmental management practices, the use of the best and most cost-effective available technologies and continuous improvement of procedures and behaviors.
Alberto da Ponte “is the face” of the new advertising campaign
SAGRES® innovates again and invites all Portuguese consumers for a round of beer. On behalf of SCC’s team, Alberto da Ponte “is the face” of the new advertising campaign and offers all beer lovers, 18 and over, a Sagres Beer to celebrate its leadership in the domestic market in the bi-month period of October/November 2008.

Cerveja Sagres voted Most Trusted Brand
In February and for the third consecutive year, SAGRES® brand is voted Most Trusted Brand 2009. Reader’s Digest is responsible for the study “Most Trusted Brand”, which had its ninth consecutive edition in 2009 and distinguishes the most trusted brands by the Portuguese.
Fundação Luso
Pioneer project, Fundação Luso, starts operating in February. The idea was given by Sociedade da Água de Luso (SAL) which, together with other entities seek to deepen the knowledge and disseminate information about water and health, promote the conservation of Luso’s water and natural heritage as well as the region’s sustained development.

Ice Coffee
Partnering with Delta, Luso presents its new Ice Coffee, a natural drink made of Água Mineral Natural de Luso and Delta coffee extract. Ice Coffee is a mazagran, a refreshing and 100% natural drink.

Água Castello Finna
Launch of democratic version of Castello, Água Castello Finna.
Sagres Golo
Launch of limited edition Sagres Golo to commemorate SAGRES® brand’s first sponsorship year of the Portuguese Professional Football League.

Luso Casino
Luso Casino opens its doors for the community and public who, subject to previously agreed conditions, may host their events in its premises.
5-litre Sagres beer keg
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) launches 5-litre Sagres beer keg with inbuilt draught beer dispenser, an innovative product available to all consumers. The 5-litre Sagres barrel serves up to 25 draught beers. This innovative package is disposable and complies with all environmental and safety requirements.

Students Pack
New contents added to SCC's institutional site in July, named Students Pack, especially designed to answer students’ requests.
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas starts distribution of ORANGINA®, the most important product of the Orangina Schweppes group. First formulated in 1937, ORANGINA® is a unique drink, made of orange pulp and fruit juice, with no artificial colorings or preservatives.

20-litre Sagres Keg
In 2009 SAGRES® once again surprises consumers, this time with the launch of new products: the 20-litre keg for the hospitality channel, especially convenient for establishments with high keg rotation.
“A Musical Glance at Waste Materials”
Central de Cervejas e Bebidas forms a music group, whose instruments are exclusively made from materials found at the Vialonga Brewing Unit, which were recycled and re-used. The project called, “A Musical Glance at Waste Materials”, unique in the company’s history, was developed by members of SCC’s staff from its various departments, with the aim of drawing attention to the importance of recycling and protecting the environment.

Central de Cervejas becomes GUINNESS® official distributor in Portugal, adding another brand to its portfolio.
Cerveja Sagres distinguished at Monde Selection
SAGRES® beer is again distinguished at Monde Selection 2009, winning five Gold Medals for the five applications submitted in the beer category.
Ritmo Luso award-winner
RITMO LUSO® was distinguished as Distribution Master in the non-alcoholic drinks’ category at the 18th edition of the Distribution Masters competition, an initiative organized by the magazine “Distribuição”.
RITMO LUSO® Kiwi e Limão (Kiwi & Lemon), Formas Luso Natural and Maçã Verde e Framboesa (Green Apple & Raspberry) are prizewinners at Monde Selection 2009.
Agreement signed with Casa Real Portuguesa
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) signed an agreement with Casa Real Portuguesa, through Fundação Dom Manuel II, reasserting the position of Bohemia beer as the latter’s official purveyor. As a unique partnership in Portugal, this initiative will serve to revive an old tradition. The aim of this idea is to continue something which used to be done in days gone by, as SCC, founded in 1934, was originally one of Lisbon’s major breweries in the 19th century, three of which were distinguished by royal charter with the honorable title of “Purveyor to the Royal Family”.

Ritmo Luso distinguished at “Product of the Year” awards
RITMO LUSO® included in Central de Cervejas e Bebidas’ Functional Drinks Category, was distinguished as one of the most innovative products in the market. The fifth edition of the “Product of the Year” Marketing and Innovation Awards, organized by Peres & Partners, distinguished the 42 most innovative products, divided among five major categories: Food & Drinks; Personal Hygiene & Care; Home Cleaning & Maintenance; Parapharmacy; and Home & Houseware, all of which will be entitled to use the logo “Product of the Year” on their goods for one year.
Monde Selection
Água de Luso is awarded the Grand Gold Medal at Monde Selection 2010 competition.
Sagres Zer0 new image
Sagres Zer0 beer and respective portfolio have a new younger, more modern and contemporary image.

Termas de Luso
A new chapter opens in the history of the Luso Thermal Spa, with the official inauguration of its classic thermal bath facilities and website launch.
Launch of Fundação Luso’s website.
“Product of the Year” Marketing Innovation Awards
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas’ 5-litre Sagres keg was elected by consumers as one of the most innovative products in the market during the 6th edition of the “Product of the Year” Marketing Innovation Awards, more specifically in the Special Beer category.
Responsible Consumption – Enjoy in Moderation Seal
SCC gradually and voluntarily adds “Responsible Consumption – Enjoy in Moderation” seal to labels and packs of all its alcoholic Sagres beer references, raising awareness to responsible drinking.

Monde Selection de la Qualité
Sagres beer is again distinguished for its high quality at the 2010 edition of the prestigious Monde Selection de la Qualité competition, winning 3 gold medals (Sagres Branca, Sagres Bohemia and Sagres Zero) and 1 Grand Gold Medal (Sagres Preta) in the 4 applications submitted to the contest.
Marketeer Awards
Sagres wins Marketeer Awards 2010 in the Large Consumption category.
Distribution Masters
The 5-litre Sagres keg is distinguished with the Distribution Masters 2010 award in the alcoholic beverages category, at the 19th edition of Distribution Masters.
Zon and Sagres beer sign 4-year contract to sponsor the Portuguese Professional Football League, now called Liga ZON SAGRES.

Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) and MALO Tojo (MT), which belongs to the MALO Group and works in wine production and sale, establish partnership involving the sale and distribution, on an exclusivity regime, of a wine on tap called Vinhócopo as well as bottled wines Malored, Malorosé and Malowhite.

Green Action Award
SCC’s “Our Commitment” project wins Green Action Award at the 2010 Green Festival.
Sagres: aluminum foil cover
Sagres beer adds aluminum foil cover, known as Seal, to its 33cl and 25cl beer cans, a pioneer innovation in Portugal.

Tequila flavored beer Desperados launched in the domestic market in March.

Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands
Sagres and Luso receive Reader's Digest Most Trusted Brands Award 2011. This is the fifth consecutive time that Sagres receives this award in the Beer category, while Luso receives it for the second consecutive time in the Bottled Water category.
Sagres and Luso World
Central de Cervejas repositions and renames its Exports area to Sagres and Luso World (SLW).
Sagres Panaché
Sagres Panaché voted by consumers as Product of the Year at the 7th edition of the Marketing Innovation Awards.

Sagres Preta Chocolate
Central de Cervejas launches Sagres Preta Chocolate in the market, an exclusive innovation developed for the first time in Portugal. Sagres Preta Chocolate, a limited beer edition, is a perfect blend of Sagres Preta’s smooth caramel notes with the intense aroma of chocolate.

Brands’ Magnetic Fields
In March 2011, the results of the 4th edition of the Brands’ Magnetic Fields were made public. In their respective categories, Luso and Sagres were considered by the Portuguese as the most magnetic brands in 2010.
“SAGRES® Somos Nós”
Sagres beer’s new advertising campaign is aired under the motto “Sagres Somos Nós”, the primary aim of which is to strengthen the domestic market leading beer brand’s personality. Luís Figo, Soraia Chaves, João Manzarra, Expensive Soul and Rita Andrade are the protagonists in this new campaign. Furthermore, a new hymn was also produced for the brand interpreted by the Portuguese band, Expensive Soul, which is also featured in the film, along with Tim from the band, Xutos e Pontapés and Diogo Dias from the band, Klepht.

“Água de LUSO®, Gerações Saudáveis”
In April, Água de Luso, the top Portuguese bottled natural mineral water, presents its new vision, which includes a renewed image, signature and campaign. “Água de Luso, Gerações Saudáveis”, is the campaign’s new slogan and aims to appeal to the daily adoption of healthy habits by Portuguese families.

Ritmo Luso
In May RITMO LUSO® launches a new limited summer edition, Lemon Balm & Mint.
Monde Selection de la Qualité
Água de Luso®, the leading Portuguese bottled natural mineral water, is awarded for the second consecutive year the Grand Gold Medal, the highest distinction at the prestigious Monde Selection de la Qualité.
SAGRES PRETA CHOCOLATE® launches its own website, the first one in the world to be entirely made of chocolate. To create this website, 60 Kilograms of chocolate were used and it took over 80 hours to elaborate all the pieces which can be seen on this site.

Monde Selection de la Qualité
SAGRES® beer was yet again distinguished for its undeniable quality at the 2011 edition of the prestigious Monde Selection de la Qualité competition, wining another three Gold Medals. In addition to this, Sagres was also awarded the International High Quality Trophy 2011, the most prestigious distinction in this competition and only given to beers which have won Grand Gold Medals and Gold Medals for three consecutive years. By winning another Gold Medal, SAGRES® Branca (Lager) now has a total of 12 Gold Medals won at this important and celebrated international competition. SAGRES BOHEMIA® was also awarded a Gold Medal for the sixth consecutive year, making it the only Portuguese gourmet beer ever to attain this level of recognition. SAGRES® Preta (Stout) was also awarded a Gold Medal at the Monde Selection de la Qualité competition, attesting the beer’s excellence and quality.
Água de Luso launches Luso Fruta
Água de LUSO® launches another new product: the Fruit-flavored Luso. LUSO FRUTA® combines Luso natural mineral water with fruit juice and is available in three flavors: red berries, lemon and passion fruit.

Sagres 1 Litro
A Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas lança no mercado a nova garrafa de cerveja SAGRES® 1 Litro.
Green Coolers
Various SCC beer brands introduce the new Green Coolers, with low environmental impact and consuming up to 38% less energy than the previous standard coolers.
Sagres Mini Zero
SAGRES® beer launches one more innovation in the mini bottle format, SAGRES mini® Zer0 (alcohol free).
Joi, new visual identity
The brand JOI® presents a refreshed visual design and a new fruit flavored Entertainment claim!
Água de Luso distinguished by DECO
A study undertaken by DECO (Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection) on bottled waters places Água de LUSO® in the top position in terms of its global quality in the still water category.
Responsible Drinking Micro Site
As part of its corporate responsibility, SCC launches micro site on Responsible Drinking. The purpose of this site is to provide information to the public in general, both on an internal and external level, about its commitment and position regarding Responsible Consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Sagres Festa
SAGRES® beer launches Sagres Festa, a limited edition which promises to celebrate and liven up the summer.
Distribution in Cape Verde
In July, SAGRES® and Água de LUSO® officialize partnership with Tecnicil Indústria, signing an agreement for these products’ distribution and exclusive sale in Cape Verde.
Sub 00
SAGRES® once again innovates with the launch of a new draught beer tower, dispensing cooler beer thanks to its modern Sub 00 system.
25cl Sagres Panaché
The 25cl SAGRES Panaché® format is launched in August, and CERGAL® beer is now available in the Angolan market.
APCER awards certification
APCER awards Central de Cervejas and Sociedade da Água de Luso’s Food Safety Management System ISO 22000 certification.
Água de Luso Limited Special Edition
In September Água de LUSO® launches Serra do Bussaco, a limited special edition premium bottle.

Guinness Original
GUINNESS®, the world’s top selling stout, distributed in the Portuguese market by SCC, launches the new GUINNESS Original® in Portugal.
Volunteering Guide
In 2011, European Year of Volunteering, SCC publishes its own Volunteering Guide. ”Our Commitment … with Volunteering” aims to commit and engage the company’s internal staff in community volunteering activities aligned with the values and principles of the Company’s Social Responsibility Policy.
Duke of Bragança
Invited by Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, the Duke of Bragança visited SCC’s Vialonga brewery.
Água de LUSO® and SAGRES® beer were Spontaneous Notoriety winners at the 2nd edition of the guide "Marcas que Marcam”.
Central de Cervejas is awarded Sapo Grand Prize for its SAGRES PRETA CHOCOLATE® “Somos Gulosos” website, at a ceremony which distinguishes the best digital communication works.
Rock-in-Rio 2012
HEINEKEN®, a premium beer brand in SCC’s portfolio, is the official sponsor of Rock-in-Rio Lisbon 2012.
Sagres Puro Malte
Sagres beer launches Sagres Puro Malte, an intense-flavored special beer edition, made from selected cereals and unique ingredients, such as aromatic hops.

Sagres Puro Malte Website
SAGRES PURO MALTE® has just launched a website challenging all consumers to test their beer tasting palates.

Água de LUSO® launches new apple-flavored LUSO DE FRUTA®, an addition to its existing flavor range: lemon, red berries and passion fruit.
Heineken Skyfall and Champions’ League
HEINEKEN® extends its partnership with James Bond in the new film “SKYFALL”.
HEINEKEN® invites Portuguese consumers to Champions’ League final in Munich.
Luso and Portuguese Athletics Federation
Água de LUSO® becomes the official sponsor of the Portuguese Athletics Federation.
Luso Fruta Product of the Year
LUSO DE FRUTA®, the innovative drink produced by Água de LUSO® and part of the drinks’ portfolio of Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, was nominated as Product of the Year by Portuguese consumers at the 8th edition of the Product of the Year Marketing Innovation Awards in the fruit-flavored waters’ category.
Trusted Brands
Cerveja SAGRES® and Água de LUSO® once again distinguished with Reader's Digest Most Trusted Brands award.
Optimus Alive
HEINEKEN® sponsors Optimus Alive 2012.

Vila Franca de Xira Town Hall protocol
As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy for 2012, Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) has just renewed its financial support protocol, in the total amount of 100 000 Euros, with the Vila Franca de Xira Town Hall (CMVFX) which, like last year, will be given to the community’s more impoverished families.

Água de Luso and LIDL Solidarity Campaign
Água de LUSO® and LIDL Solidarity Campaign raises 25 000 Euros which are donated to Cáritas Portuguesa.
Água de Luso 160th anniversary celebrations
Água de LUSO® begins its 160th anniversary celebrations (1852-2012) with a ceremony held in the village of Luso. Starting today and throughout 2012, the reference "160 years” will be displayed in the brand’s communication materials, including all packaging labels.

Sagres new image
SAGRES® renovates its image and reinforces Portugality.

Fundação Luso Awareness-raising action
Fundação Luso raises Community’s awareness to the importance of preserving Água de LUSO®’s natural reserves.
Ronald Den Elzen is SCC's new CEO

ZON and SCC Partnership
Zon and Central de Cervejas partner again with the Portuguese Cardiology Foundation to support Heart Month.
PET reduction
Água de LUSO® once again reduces PET amount used in its packaging materials.
QR Code
Cerveja SAGRES® innovates and launches QR codes granting access to exclusive content.

Monde Selection
SAGRES BOHEMIA® was again distinguished for its superb quality at the 2012 edition of the prestigious competition Monde Selection de la Qualité, winning a gold medal for the seventh consecutive year.
For the third consecutive year, Água de LUSO® the top selling natural mineral water in the bottled water segment, was awarded a Grand Gold Medal, the highest distinction granted by the prestigious competition, Monde Selection de la Qualité.
"Make a Wish”
As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, SCC once again helps the "Make a Wish" foundation to fulfil the wishes of children and young people with life threatening diseases.
National Team support campaign
In April Sagres launches new advertising campaign to support the National Team for Euro 2012. Featuring in this new campaign are famous names like Paulo Bento, Jani Gabriel, Rita Andrade and Os Azeitonas.
"Sagres TV"
Sagres launches innovative website called “Sagres TV”, to reinforce the brand’s closeness to its Consumers.
Collectors’ Meeting
CELCE (Club Español de Coleccionismo Cervecero) chooses Portugal and SCC for its annual convention, this year celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Rock-in-Rio Award
Heineken Beer, a premium brand in the portfolio of the Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, was the winner of the Rock in Rio Sustainable Attitude – Partners contest in the Suppliers category.
New differentiated refrigerating equipment
Sagres beer has yet again innovated with the launch of new differentiated refrigerating equipment, available only to its hospitality channel clients. These new devices have a lower environmental impact, as they enable to cut down energy consumption up to 45% in comparison to the ones currently used in the market.
Heineken reinforces commitment with sustainability
Heineken beer, the official beer of Rock in Rio Lisbon 2012, will be encouraging visitors to drop their empty cups at Heineken Green Rocks for recycling during the World’s greatest music and entertainment event. This is part of this premium beer brand’s international commitment with social responsibility and environmental sustainability.
Setúbal Terraces
Sagres beer and AHRESP, Associação da Hotelaria, Restauração e Similares de Portugal (Portuguese National Association of Food and Beverages) in a partnership with the Setúbal Town Hall have just inaugurated nine new restaurant and bar outdoor eating areas in the rehabilitated sections of Avenida Luísa Todi and neighboring areas.
Beer Museum inauguration
Inauguration of the Beer Museum, consisting of a museum and brewery. SCC contributed by lending part of its collection pieces.
Distribution Masters: Luso de Fruta
Luso de Fruta is distinguished at the 21st edition of Distribution Masters in the Water product category.
Água de Luso new 5.4-litre bottle
Água de Luso, launches a new 5.4-litre bottle in the domestic and exports market, which is not only more economical, but also more environment-friendly.

Sagres Mini: “Somos Verão”
Sagres mini celebrates the summer’s arrival with a new advertising campaign under the slogan “Somos Verão” ("We are Summer").

Sagres Mini: aluminum bottle
And as it celebrates its 40th anniversary, Sagres Mini launches the first mini size aluminum bottle in the market, with a modern and innovative design which not only speeds up cooling, but also shines when exposed under black light. This is because of the ultraviolet ink used in some of its graphic elements. Under the creative motto “When out at night, mini transforms itself”, the aim of this modern package is to reinforce brand closeness with consumers being always available at drinking times. Consumers will gradually find it at selected nightclubs and bars.

Água do Cruzeiro new image
Água do Cruzeiro, bottled and distributed by Sociedade Central de Cervejas, renovates its image, now displaying a more modern and contemporary logo. Simultaneously with its renovated image in all available formats (33cl, 50cl, 1.5 litre), Água de Cruzeiro also launched the 5.4-litre bottle. This new, more environment-friendly format, enables for a more efficient use of plastic.

Sustainability Report
SCC/SAL publishes and discloses its 2011 Sustainability Report, the format and contents of which are aligned with the Brewing a Better Future Program, defined by the HEINEKEN Group, and with our own Corporate Social Responsibility policy.
Formas Luso and Ritmo Luso new image
Functional waters Formas Luso and Ritmo Luso, produced by Sociedade da Água do Luso, have just refreshed their image to reinforce their market position and relationship with Consumers.
Confraria da Cerveja (Beer Brotherhood)
The city of Coimbra hosted the 10th Beer Brotherhood Enthronement Ceremony.
New James Bond film, “SKYFALL™”
HEINEKEN®, world leading brand in the premium beer segment, launches TV campaign in Portugal based on new James Bond film, “SKYFALL™”, premièred in Portugal on October 26. Featuring in this advertising campaign, also shown in cinemas across the country, is Daniel Craig and Bérénice Marlohe in an atmosphere of great adventure. It also included Heineken®'s innovative global campaign, “Crack the Case”.
Sagres beer - Angola
SAGRES® reinforces its focus in Angola with the launch of the Sagres Mini ® Can.
For the fifth consecutive year, SCC and its brands were present at GreenFest held at Centro de Congressos do Estoril between September 26 and 30. GreenFest is the largest sustainability event held in the country and celebrates the best that is done in three different areas: economy, social and the environment.
Sagres Mini – new campaign in Angola
SAGRES® beer launches new campaign on various communication platforms in the Angolan market to reinforce Sagres Mini®'s position. The campaign's protagonist is the Angolan Calado Show and its slogan is “Show de Frescura”. The campaign was carried out on TV, radio, outdoors, digital media and POS.
NSDU, part of SCC Group, announces agreement according to which it intends to purchase Sodicel’s beverage sales and distribution business. Sodicel is one of the largest beverage distributors for the hospitality channel, in Portugal, with the highest share of SCC drinks’ portfolio sales. Sodicel started its business as a distributor for SCC in 1959 in the district of Leiria, later on expanding its distribution network to different areas in the districts of Lisbon, Castelo Branco and Santarém.
Água de Luso and experimentadesign
Água de Luso and exprimentadesign inaugurate exhibition entitled “Pureza” (Purity), displaying the works of eight Portuguese authors, namely Álvaro Siza Vieira, João Luís Carrilho da Graça, Joana Vasconcelos, João Louro, Fernando Brízio, Miguel Vieira Baptista, Jorge Silva and Ricardo Mealha. The authors, from quite different artistic backgrounds, were invited to design their own interpretation of Água de Luso’s symbolic and historic heritage, the proceeds of which will revert to Abraço association. “Pureza”, the event which closes Água de Luso’s 160th anniversary commemorations and marks the opening of the new temporary premises of experimentadesign, takes the public on a journey to the future, forecasting what Água de Luso will look like 160 years from now.
Água de Luso Facebook and youtube channel
Água de LUSO®, a Natural Mineral Water and national leading brand in the bottled water segment, creates new Facebook page and Youtube channel to reinforce the brand's position among Consumers. The new platforms, created in the scope of the brand's 160th anniversary, also reinforce Água de LUSO®'s digital communication.
Sagres beer Facebook page for the Angolan market
SAGRES® beer launches new Facebook page exclusive to the Angolan market, with the aim of reinforcing the brand's closeness to its Consumers. With this new launch, Sagres beer, leader in the domestic market, aims to consolidate its growing share in the Angolan market.
Alcoholic beverage sale and consumption regime
Cabinet approves new regime for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places and in places open to the public. As "a public health measure, it seeks to create barriers to adolescent drinking, namely by raising the legal drinking age and corresponding sale prohibition, in line with the recommendations of the World's Health Organization». This diploma introduces "age limit differentiation", stipulating that only those 18 and above are allowed to buy and drink higher alcohol content beverages and spirits, while the legal age for buying and drinking wine and beer continues to be 16.
Trusted Brands
SAGRES®, top selling beer brand in Portugal, and Água de LUSO, leading brand in the domestic bottled waters’ market, once again deserved the Portuguese consumers’ trust, being distinguished by the Reader’s Digest 2013 edition as most “Trusted Brands”. These votes were cast by 12 000 subscribers, from a total of 85 000, who spontaneously answered a questionnaire which had an 8% response rate.
The Competition Authority Board decides not to oppose the merger between NSDU/Ativos SODICEL.
Protocol with the Vila Franca de Xira Town Hall
In the scope of its Corporate Social Responsibility, Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) renews its protocol with the Vila Franca de Xira Town Hall (CMVFX) thus contributing to help the council's more impoverished families and social welfare associations. The total amount of the contribution is 100 000 Euros.
Luso Fruta Orange
LUSO DE FRUTA®, a brand owned by Sociedade da Água de Luso, launched the new Orange variety to its existing flavor range, which already includes Lemon, Red Berries, Passion Fruit and Apple.

Cerveja Sagres and Joana Vasconcelos
SAGRES® beer teams up as sponsor of Joana Vasconcelos' largest individual exhibition, which opens to the public tomorrow at Palácio Nacional da Ajuda, in Lisbon. The exhibition, curated by Miguel Amado, will be held in the palace's former royal quarters and reflects the artist's work in the last decade, displaying some of her iconic works like A Noiva (The Bride), Coração Independente (Independent Heart) or Marilyn, side by side with some of her more recent works, like Lilicoptère, Perruque or War Games not previously shown in Portugal.
“Sagres Somos Futebol”
SAGRES®, the top selling beer brand in Portugal, developed a campaign to launch its new communication platform in the football area called, “Sagres Somos Futebol”, which aims to reinforce the brand's support to the Portuguese populations' favorite sport, celebrating the emotions of football parties.
Sagres Radler
Sagres, the leading beer brand in the domestic market, has just launched Sagres Radler inspired on a Bavarian recipe that combines Sagres with natural lemon juice in a doubly refreshing drink with only 2% alcohol by volume. Available in a green bottle with translucent labels, it reflects the drink’s naturalness and refreshing qualities.

Água de Luso: 7-litre bottle
Água de Luso, a natural mineral water and top-selling Portuguese brand in the bottled water segment, launches the first 7-litre bottle in the domestic market on April 24, 2013, reinforcing its leadership in product and packaging innovation in its respective category.

New multimedia campaign: Cerveja Sagres
On May 17, Sagres beer, the leading beer brand in the domestic market, launched a new multimedia campaign that aims to reinforce the brand’s position as the Beer of all the Portuguese, whether living in Portugal or abroad.
The new campaign celebrates the pride we feel in the simple pleasures of Portuguese life, often only valued when we are abroad, including our beaches, sun, sea, gastronomy, sense of humor and, obviously, our Sagres beer.
Sagres beer and Água de Luso, symbols of Portugality
As symbols of Portugality, two of SCC's portfolio brands, Sagres beer and Água de Luso were selected as "the beer" and "the water" to be available at the Portuguese pavilion, the Cacilheiro (ferryboat) Trafaria Praia artistically recreated by Joana Vasconcelos for the Venice Art Biennale, which will be held between June 1 and November 24, 2013.
Água de Luso: silver label
Água de Luso, leading natural mineral water brand in the domestic market, continues to innovate with its recently launched silver label and capsule on its glass bottles (1L, 50cl, 25cl). With the aim of consolidating its premium position, it emphasizes the brand’s elegance and sophistication in the restaurant, hotel and bar segments. In addition to its renewed image, the label’s back contains an image of MALO CLINIC TERMAS LUSO, inviting consumers to visit its website and find out the benefits of this spa in the village of Luso.
Luso Fruta
With the aim of consolidating its success and to fulfil its consumers' expectations, Luso de Fruta decided to expand its product range to respond to the different drinking occasions, innovating once again with the launch of two new formats, the 33cl can and the 2-litre bottle. At the same time, Luso de Fruta launches a new multi-media campaign with the slogan "It's natural that you like it" featuring Victoria Guerra, Gonçalo Teixeira and Pedro Rodil.

Sociedade da Água de Luso Website
In July 2013, Sociedade da Água de Luso launches its corporate website.
National Football Team’s sponsorship renewal
In August 2013 Sagres beer announced the renewal of its sponsorship (started in 1993) to the National Football Team for another three years, in other words, for the 2013/2016 period.
Luso de Fruta Água de Coco
Água de Luso innovates with the launch of Luso de Fruta Água de Coco (coconut water)

Inauguration of second phase of Museu Castello
As part of its 115th anniversary celebrations, the second phase of Museu Castello is inaugurated at the bottling plant in Pisões – Moura, with the exhibition “Fontes da Memória”.
Sagres 0.0% Radler
Sagres Radler launches new campaign as well as new Sagres 0.0% Radler.

Affligem beer
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas launches new double fermentation Belgium premium beer, Affligem. Simultaneously with this launch is the opening of the new “O Purista – Barbiére” pop-up store, a place which welcomes all those who value the traditional and genuine.

Água de Luso new label
Água de Luso launches a new label for its glass bottles (1L, 50cl, 25cl) in the domestic market, inspired by the brand’s origin, the Bussaco National Forest, the aim of which is to promote water heritage and its source’s surroundings.

Sagres Radler Lima - Gengibre
Sagres Radler launches Sagres Radler Lime-Ginger flavor, a unique combination of Sagres beer with natural lime juice and ginger, perfect for those who enjoy lighter, fresher drinks.

Sagres limited edition beer can
To commemorate the Portuguese Football Federation’s 100th anniversary, Sagres launched a limited edition beer can in a joint initiative with this entity.

Luso Tea
Luso innovates with the launch of Luso Tea, the ice tea with all of Luso’s advantages!

Sagres beer brewed in Brazil
Sagres beer is now brewed in Brazil at the country’s HEINEKEN brewery for sales in Rio de Janeiro. Portugal’s favorite brand is positioned in the premium segment in a 600ml returnable format. It can be enjoyed in the city’s top “Botecos”, where consumers go and enjoy a good drink, snacks and socializing moments.
Sagres and Joana Vasconcelos partnership
In a partnership with renowned plastic artist, Joana Vasconcelos, Sagres beer recently launched a limited and exclusive collection of Sagres beer cans in the domestic market, with illustrations depicting some of the artist’s works symbolizing Portugal’s 10 regions.

Água de Luso new glass bottle
For the first time in its history, Água de Luso, a natural mineral water and leading brand in Portugal in the bottled water segment, launches new glass bottle in the domestic market, with a modern and innovative design, which aims to strengthen the brand’s connection with its consumers. More elegant and boasting a modern look, the launch of the new Água de Luso glass bottle constitutes a historic milestone, replacing its old shape. The new format will be available in the hospitality and distribution channels in 25cl, 50cl and 1-litre returnable bottles.

Luso Gás launch
The Luso brand once again innovates and surprises the Portuguese, entering the sparkling water segment with its new Luso com Gás, which aims to freshen up the life of all consumers, inviting them to enjoy new experiences.

Trusted Brands 2015
For the 9th consecutive time, SAGRES and LUSO receive Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brands award 2015.
Luso Tea Manga
Luso Tea launches new Mango flavor, extending the existing range consisting of Lemon, Red Berries and Peach.
Luso de Fruta Romã e Açaí
Água de Luso once again innovates and surprises the Portuguese with the launch of the new Luso de Fruta Pomegranate and Açaí, a refreshing, natural and healthy drink that challenges consumers to discover exotic moments.

Sagres Radler Lima-Maçã Verde
Sagres Radler launches the new Sagres Radler Lime-Green Apple, a unique combination of Sagres beer with natural lemon juice and green apple, perfect for those who enjoy lighter, fresher drinks.

Distribution Master
Luso Tea is Distribution Master 2015 winner in the product category.
Monde Selection-Luso com Gás
Luso com Gás is awarded Gold Medal in the Monde Selection de la Qualité Competition, one of the most prestigious international quality competitions. This year’s annual awards ceremony will be taking place today, for the first time in Lisbon, in Pátio da Galé.
Luso com Gás 1-litre bottle
Luso com Gás launches new 1-litre bottle, the ideal format for groups.
Sagres "Diamante" Tower
Cerveja Sagres launches new draught beer tower in the domestic market, designed by young university students of IADE – Creative University, as part of a partnership between the brand and the institution. With a differentiating design, in the form of a shield and with lighting directed to the beer glass, the innovative "Diamante" tower, which also celebrates the brand’s 75th anniversary, results from the challenge extended by the leading beer brand in Portugal to entrepreneurial Marketing and Advertising, Design, Photography and Visual Culture students during IADE Creative Week, who submitted various proposals.

Sagres Beer 75th anniversary
Sagres beer publicly celebrated its 75th anniversary at Pavilhão de Portugal, in Parque das Nações, in Lisbon. Over 400 guests and stakeholders commemorated this important date and toasted to the future of Sagres, launched in 1940 at the Portuguese World Exhibition.
New Sagres Beer Site
As it celebrates its 75th anniversary Sagres beer, leading brand in the domestic market, launches a new totally renovated, current, intuitive and functional website, with the latest news and products in the Sagres universe.
New Strongbow image
The refreshing Strongbow, world leader in the cider market, has a new younger, simpler and more modern image, with three unique flavors adapted to the Portuguese palate. In addition to the traditional Gold Apple version, Strongbow, the real cider, also offers the delicious Honey and Red Berries versions. The first is sweeter with fruity notes and the second is a blend of strawberries and red berries with apple’s specific aftertaste.

Vialonga administrative building refurbishment
Refurbishment works were carried out at the Vialonga Brewery, which was inaugurated in 1968. The works were mostly performed in its administrative and social buildings, adapting the Company’s existing facilities to its current operational and cultural needs. Keeping the administrative building’s original exterior layout, the interior refurbishment project was quite extensive. The remodeled spaces reflect and promote modernity, without neglecting the history of the Company and its Brands, focusing on light and transparency, based on an open, easy, and multifunction communication and teamwork.
Heineken UCL Beer Campaign
Heineken beer developed a global digital campaign featuring iconic UEFA Champions League players (UCL), among whom are former Portuguese players, Luís Figo and Deco. This campaign aims to encourage and invite consumers to enjoy this competition’s great games. The presence of former Portuguese players will certainly strengthen the brand's connection with the population.
Luso de Fruta Goiaba e Toranja
The Luso brand innovates again offering all Portuguese the delicious secret of the Caribbean in a single bottle of Luso de Fruta Guava and Grapefruit, a refreshing, natural, healthy drink with all the Caribbean taste. The new Luso Guava and Grapefruit is the perfect combination of two fruits with unique properties, promising to surprise the Portuguese with its trendy, exclusive and refreshing recipe!

Luso Fruta shows its new visual
The Luso Fruta brand shows its new visual identity, aiming to strengthen its position in the promotion of healthy lifestyles and surprising the Portuguese by keeping up with latest trends, always bringing something new and very natural to the market. The new graphic image, mostly in shades of green, aims to communicate the credentials and values that guide the brand: natural, modern, young, simple and trendy. Available from today and highlighted in the various communication materials.
Trusted Brands 2016
SAGRES and LUSO once again receive Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands award. This is the tenth consecutive time that Cerveja Sagres is awarded in the Beer category, while Água de Luso receives it for the seventh consecutive time in the Table Water category.
Sagres Radler Lima-Maçã de Alcobaça and Sagres Radler Lima-Pera Rocha
With an innovative nature, Sagres Radler once again reinforces this characteristic by offering all Portuguese two new unique and differentiated flavors. Sagres Radler presents: Sagres Radler Lime- Alcobaça Apple and Sagres Radler Lime-Pear, two flavors of Portuguese recipe and origin, which now join Sagres Radler Lemon. These innovations are a combination of 100% natural ingredients, ideal for all drinking occasions and palates.

Luso com Gás Monde Selection
Luso com Gás, recently launched by Água de Luso in the sparkling water segment, was awarded a Gold Medal for the second consecutive year at Monde Selection de La Qualité Competition, one of the most prestigious international quality competitions. This reinforces and demonstrates Luso brand’s focus in the development of unique quality products.
"Água de Luso. Para os nossos filhos. O nosso melhor"
Água de Luso, a natural mineral water and leading bottled water brand in Portugal, launches new communication Campaign focused on families and the parent-children relationship under the motto: "Água de Luso. For our children, only the best", reinforcing its connection with families for over 160 years. The new campaign emphasizes that despite the setbacks of everyday life, all parents know that they are not perfect but always try to do their best for their children. And those who try their best, give Água de Luso!
Monde Selection 2016
Cerveja Sagres Branca and Sagres Bohemia have just seen their quality once again recognized, winning two more Gold Medals at the prestigious Monde Selection de La Qualité International Competition 2016. Cerveja Sagres Branca has so far won 19 Gold Medals, whereas Sagres Bohemia Beer received its 11th consecutive Gold Medal.
Luso Fruta Água de Coco e Lima
With a new visual identity, the Luso Fruta brand innovates again with the launch of a very refreshing, tasty and at the same time healthy combination – Luso Fruta Coconut Water and Lime, a natural and low-calorie formula for all who care about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Bohemia Original, Bohemia Puro Malte and Bohemia Trigo
The Bohemia brand surprises all Portuguese beer lovers by presenting three new exclusive varieties – Bohemia Original, Bohemia Puro Malte and Bohemia Trigo, with an irresistible flavor, intense character, fruity aroma and creamy foam. With a new, more elegant bottle and a new label design, the three Bohemia Beers are designed to enrich dining experiences with family or friends, providing unique and memorable gastronomic moments.

Sagres Euro 2016 Campaign
Sagres launches new campaign to support the National Team as it heads to Euro 2016. Ricardo Araújo Pereira is the face chosen to lead the national cheering crowd for the success of the Quinas Team in the European Championship in France.

Campaign "Luso Fruta é natural que combine"
Luso Fruta launches a new multi-media Campaign. Under the motto "Luso Fruta é natural que combine", it aims to reinforce the unique character of Luso Fruta, a very refreshing and tasty combination that promotes healthy lifestyles.

Heineken®: Marketeer Awards 2016
For the second consecutive year Heineken® beer was the winner of the Marketeer Awards 2016, in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods beverage category.
"Sagres Gelada tem mais piada"
Sagres beer launches a new Summer Campaign under the motto "Ice cold Sagres is more fun", which through a humorous tone, aims to show different summer moments of conviviality and freshness among friends, either at home or in a bar, and present the new draught beer tower, Sagres Alaska.
“Aprecia com moderação cada dia”
"Enjoy each day in moderation" is the motto of the new campaign launched in a partnership between non-alcoholic Sagres and Lojas Minipreço in Portugal. The main objective of this campaign is to inform all consumers about the risks and effects of alcohol abuse, as well as the dangers associated with drunk driving. As it strives to raise awareness to moderate and responsible alcohol consumption and to the adoption of responsible behaviors, it offers an alternative to all drivers: Cerveja Sagres sem Álcool and Sagres 0.0% Radler.

Castello Água Tónica
Castello Água Tónica now available in the market in an elegant and easy to serve 20cl bottle.

Sticker Booklet
In partnership with Colara, Central de Cervejas e Bebidas launches a collection of 230 stickers with photos of its main historical milestones until 1975, portraying the history of the company and clearing up any doubts about the origins of the brewing sector in Portugal.

Bohemia Bock
The Bohemia brand, the perfect company for all meals, innovates once again and presents a new limited edition: Bohemia Bock, characterized by its strong flavor, dark color, intense and malted character, promising to surprise all real beer lovers.

Sagres Beer Nutritional Information
Sagres beer voluntarily took the initiative of providing its consumers nutritional information about its range of alcoholic beers on www.sagres.pt. This good practice follows a recommendation of the European Brewers and Sagres is the first Portuguese brand to do so.
New Sagres beer image
Celebrating the future, proud of its legacy and always alert to consumers’ current expectations, Sagres beer presented a new image. The new image reinforces the brand's DNA and Portugality, glorifying national labels and adding to its logo the expression "Since 1940", the year the brand was launched.
Luso com Gás 1.2-litre bottle
Água de Luso focuses again on the sparkling water segment and presents new 1.2-litre bottle format, ideal for moments of celebration with family and friends.

Bandida do Pomar
A cunning and resourceful fox has been taking the best apples from the orchard to develop a unique cider, impossible to be missed for its boldness, irreverence and rebelliousness. "Bandida do Pomar" is the new cider that 'speaks' Portuguese and will surely surprise young adults, between 18 and 34 years, looking for new alcoholic beverage alternatives. Its fruity, light and refreshing palate challenges consumers to adopt it as the ideal drink for moments of conviviality and relaxation among friends.

"Reforestation of Bussaco" environmental seal awarded to Fundação Luso
Fundação Luso received "Reforestation of Bussaco" environmental seal created by Quercus to mark the 3-year partnership established between the two entities in 2013. Since then, about 30 000 native trees and shrubs have been planted and maintained.
The "Reforestation of Bussaco" environmental seal arises within the scope of these entities’ joint mission: the conservation of the ecosystem of Serra do Bussaco and preservation of the water and natural heritage of Luso, the source of Água de Luso.

"Água de Luso. Para os nossos filhos. O nosso melhor"
Água de Luso, a natural mineral water and leading bottled water brand in Portugal, launches a multi-media campaign under the motto "Luso, for our children, only the best", simultaneously with the presentation of a new label design for its 1.5-litre bottle and launch of brand’s microsite.
Luso Fruta Figo da Índia e Maracujá
The new Luso Fruta Prickly Pear and Passion Fruit, a refreshing, natural and healthy drink offering a new flavor with origin in Mexico, has just been launched. It is the perfect drink for those who enjoy unique experiences at any time of the day.

Luso Thermal Spa
During a public ceremony held yesterday, the Luso Thermal Spa, operated under a concession by Sociedade Água de Luso and Grande Hotel de Luso, owned by Fundação Bissaya Barreto, it was agreed that the Spa’s management would be handed over to Grande Hotel de Luso, now offering a range of Health and Wellness services to all who seek the unique destination of Luso - Bussaco.
Trusted Brands 2017
For the 11th consecutive year, Sagres is the favorite brand of the Portuguese, having been elected by 65% of Reader’s Digest voters in its annual competition as "Trusted Brand 2017", achieving its highest score ever. In the Table Water category, Água de Luso was the winner for the eighth consecutive year, with 61% votes.

"Luso Fruta é natural que combine"
Luso Fruta launches new multi-media campaign under the motto "Luso Fruta é natural que combine", which aims to present a new tasty and very refreshing combination – Luso Fruta Prickly Pear and Passion Fruit – as well as reinforce the brand’s unique healthy habits’ promoting character.
Sagres Radler Lima – Frutos Vermelhos
Sagres Radler launches the new Sagres Radler Lime – Red Berries, a combination of Sagres beer with natural lime juice and red berries. In addition to being one of the most popular flavors in various drinks’ categories and known for their health benefits, red berries’ flavor was the ideal choice for Sagres Radler’s latest release.

Luso achieves Reputational Excellence
The LUSO brand achieves Reputational Excellence in the domestic Portuguese market, according to the Global Repscore Pulse study undertaken by consulting company OnStrategy, in a universe of over 300 audited brands, with a score of 80 points. The Sagres brand and SCC were also rated with a Robust Reputation, obtaining a score of 73.98 and 73.38, respectively.
Monde Selection
Água de Luso, leader in the bottled water domestic market, received the Great Gold Medal for the eighth consecutive year, the highest award in the prestigious competition Monde Selection de la Qualité. Luso com Gás also received its 3rd consecutive gold medal, as well as the International High Quality Trophy 2017.
Imperial Beer has new image
Keeping all its Portuguese essence since way back in the 1900’s, iconic Imperial beer is back, with a totally renewed, more amusing and vintage image. "In the mouth of the people since way back in the 1900’s "; "One litre of the iconic Imperial. No more, no less"; "This is the real beer", are some of the messages written on Imperial’s new packaging, inspired by popular Portuguese sayings.

New Luso com Gás Campaign
Luso com Gás presents a new communication campaign that values the best of what Serra do Bussaco has to offer and where the Brand "drinks" at its source. Under the motto "Bring the Serra to your life", Luso com Gás promotes contact with nature.
Topázio and Onyx
Hoppy House Brewing and Praxis, a craft beer producer, yesterday announced the revival of Topaz and Onyx beers, two emblematic brands with origin in Coimbra. Produced with the water of Coimbra and keeping their original recipes, these two beers retain the flavor and characteristics that made them well-known by all who visited Coimbra and tasted them.

Cerveja Sagres welcomes tourists with "Beertionary", an unprecedented action in our country that aims to help tourists learn some basic words and phrases in Portuguese, enabling them to get by and socialize locally.

Luso Fruit Kids
Thinking of the younger ones, Luso Fruta launches new Luso Fruta Kids, a refreshing, delicious, natural and healthy water, perfect for the little ones.

Sagres Cascade
Sagres beer innovates again with the new Sagres Cascade, a lager that is different from the ones available in the market. Made with Cascade, an aromatic hop of citrus characteristics and floral notes, it gives beer a distinctive aroma and flavor that will surely meet consumers’ current preferences.

New Luso Fruta TV Campaign
Luso Fruta launches a new TV and digital campaign filmed at the source of Água de Luso, in Serra do Bussaco, which reinforces the credentials of the brands’ naturalness and unique character, along with the promotion of healthy lifestyles. "Luso Fruta é natural que combine" is the motto of the new Campaign.
Luso Fruta Melancia
Luso Fruta presents the new Luso Fruta Watermelon, a delicious and fresh Watermelon-flavored water, with an irresistible taste.

Trusted Brands 2018
For the 12th consecutive year Sagres beer is elected "Trusted Brand 2018" in the Beer category by 71% of voters. In the Table Water category, Água de Luso is elected for the 9th consecutive year, also achieving its highest score ever, with 71% votes, clearly reflecting the brand’s connection with its consumers.
Loba Ale
Hoppy House Brewing (HHB) and Post Scriptum Brewery teamed up to create Loba Ale, a craft beer brand born in Porto.

Bohemia Hoppy Weiss
Bohemia Hoppy Weiss, a special edition light and refreshing beer, with wheat and aromatic notes of hops, now served at the table. Bohemia Hoppy Weiss uses a blend of wheat and barley malts and three distinct cold-added hops – Hallertauer Mittelfruh, Mosaic and Citra – which give it a unique herbal character.

Monde Selection
The quality of Sagres Branca and Bohemia beers is again recognized with the awarding of another four Gold Medals to White Sagres, Bohemia Original, Bohemia Puro Malte and Bohemia Trigo at the prestigious Monde Selection de La Qualité International Competition 2018. For the 9th consecutive time Água de Luso received the Great Gold Medal, the competition’s highest award. Luso com Gás was also awarded a Great Gold Medal after receiving three consecutive Gold Medals.
Sagres is NOS Alive’s official beer
Sagres is the official beer of the country’s most popular festival and one of the best in the world, NOS Alive, reinforcing the brand's connection to the music territory and sharing strong emotions among young Portuguese adults and festivalgoers visiting Portugal.

THE SUB, Heineken and Krups' innovative draught beer machine, designed by acclaimed industrial designer Marc Newson, is now available in Portugal. With this machine, consumers can now enjoy the best draught beer in the comfort of their homes.

Startup Lisboa - "From Start-to-Table"
Sagres joins Startup Lisboa giving voice to innovative food and beverage projects. The "From Start-to-Table" program will enhance and select projects in two major hospitality areas: innovative catering concepts and technologies that improve customer experiences and/or restaurant operations.
Sagres and NOVA SBE
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) and Sagres beer signed a partnership agreement with Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE) for the new university campus in Carcavelos. In the scope of this agreement, the new access tunnel to Carcavelos beach will be named "Sagres Beach Way".
Bohemia Porter
Launch of Bohemia's latest limited edition, Bohemia Porter. It stands out for its malted character, with notes of coffee and black chocolate, achieved through the harmonization of four distinct profile malts.

Cerveja Trindade
Hoppy House Brewing (HHB) launches new craft beer Trindade, a real Masterpiece! Available in three varieties – Profana, Aurea and Fénix – the new Trindade is produced using artisanal methods and elaborated exclusively with water, malt, hops and yeast, and enriched by selection carried out throughout entire production process.

Água de Luso sponsors Maratona Clube de Portugal races
Água de Luso is the Sponsor and Official Water of the official races organized by Maratona Clube de Portugal. A three-year partnership that aims to strengthen the brand's commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles across various generations. The Luso brand now features in the calendar of the biggest running events in Portugal: Lisbon Half and Mini Marathon (March), Lisbon Marathon, Half Marathon and Portuguese Mini Marathon (October).

Heineken® Blade
Heineken launches ® innovative equipment in the market. With a premium design, Heineken Blade enables to serve a perfect Heineken® draught beer at any time, with no need for maintenance and avoiding waste.

Água de Luso Trusted Brand
For the 10th consecutive time Água de Luso was the winner at the 19th edition of Readers’ Digest awards, as 2019’s Trusted Brand, with a score of 65%.
Bohemia new image
Bohemia unveils a new look, with a cleaner graphic image and modern lines, highlighting each of its varieties and reinforcing the characteristics that make this Beer the ideal company at the table.

Monde Selection
Água Mineral Natural de Luso and Água de Luso com Gás awarded Great Gold Medals at this year’s Monde Selection contest, two great distinctions for our Company.
Heineken® 0.0
Heineken 0.0 now available in Portugal. With only 53 Kcal per 25cl bottle, this aromatic beer, with 0.0% alcohol content and fruity flavor, is a new option launched by the brand. Keeping its premium consumer experience, it can be enjoyed at different moments of consumption.

ISO 14001:2015 Certification
Sociedade da Água de Luso (SAL) is awarded the ISO 14001:2015 Certification, a standard that attests to the best environmental practices, awarded by the Portuguese Certification Association (APCER).
Sagres 0.0
Sagres 0.0, the zero-alcohol beer that tastes so good that is hard to believe. With 0.0% alcohol and fruit flavored, with notes of banana and cereals, the new Sagres 0.0 is designed for all those looking for a more balanced lifestyle. With only 25kcal/100ml, it is best served cold, at a temperature of 4-8ºC, and is suitable for all occasions.

Trusted Brand
Sagres Beer and Água de Luso again selected as Trusted Brands. Sagres was elected with 62% of the votes for the 13th consecutive time in the Beer category, while Água de Luso, with a score of 65%, won for the 10th consecutive in the Table Water category.
Monde Selection
The quality of Sagres and Bohemia are once again distinguished with Gold Medals at one of the most rigorous competitions in the world, the prestigious Monde Selection de La Qualité International Competition 2019.
Luso Fruta and Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro
Luso Fruta joins EDP Lisboa - Mulher e a Vida Race, a solidarity sports event that aims to raise funds for the Portuguese Association Supporting Women with Breast Cancer (APAMCM). The brand will offer 100 breast prostheses to the Portuguese League Against Cancer 'Win and Live', more specifically to the Center’s Regional Nucleus.
Bohemia Pilsener
Based on the Beer experience and purposefully designed to accompany day-to-day dishes and snacks, the new Bohemia Pilsener, a light, refreshing and very versatile beer, light in color, where the sweetness of malt balances the bitterness of hops, is now served at our tables.

Sagres Radler 0.0% Lima – Frutos Vermelhos
Radler launches Sagres Radler 0.0% Lime – Red Berries, the perfect choice for all those looking for different consumption experiences. A zero alcohol recipe, with 40% Sagres Beer 0.0 and 60% natural lime and red berries’ juice.

New Filling Line at the Brewer
New filling equipment, with state-of-the-art technology, inaugurated in the presence of the Deputy and Economy Minister. This new equipment involved a major investment by Sociedade Central de Cervejas in the last 5 years. Over 140 million Euros were invested in modernization and growth projects, namely in expansion, innovation, sustainability and alternative energies, not only in the Vialonga Brewery, but also in Sociedade Água de Luso and Novadis distribution.
New Campaign, "De Norte a Sagres"
Celebrating Portugality, deeply imbedded in the brand's DNA, Sagres beer launches new multi-media campaign under the motto "From North to Sagres", where one experiences the ultimate expression of Portuguese friendliness, but above all, celebrating the contrasting lifestyles and meeting of generations between tradition and contemporary.
Heineken® can format
Heineken® launches 33cl can in Portugal. This new format reflects the brand's solid positioning in the industry, allowing its consumers to continue enjoying the unmistakable taste of Heineken beer® in an even more refreshing way.

"Sagres Futebol"
Sagres launches new multi-media campaign, kicking off the new activation platform "Sagres Futebol", because where there is football,we play at home. This campaign portrays the best moments with no fan rivalry and the passions and emotions lived during a football game. And these are the moments that really matter, whether winning or losing, as long as emotions are lived to the fullest in the company of Sagres.

Acquisition of Mineraqua (Água Castello)
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas acquires 100% of the capital of Mineraqua Portugal owner of Água Castello concession and brand, from a group of private investors led by Capital Criativo. This century-old brand of natural mineral carbonated water, whose aquifer is in Moura, is a historical and reference in the domestic market.
Guinness Hop House 13
The GUINNESS beer family, distributed in Portugal by Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC), launches its latest innovation, Hop House 13, in the Portuguese market.

Bohemia On Fire
With the embers of Chefs On Fire comes a great novelty, the new Bohemia On Fire beer inspired by the German Rauchbier style. Rauch, which in German means "smoke", reveals this beer’s main characteristic.

Bohemia Stout
Bohemia launches a special and limited-edition beer with an unmistakable style. It's called Bohemia Stout and it's a real Irish Stout, with coffee notes, intense aromas of roasted malt, and perfect to drink with cheese and desserts.

Photovoltaic Panels
Central de Cervejas Group installed 6 300 photovoltaic panels, 3 150 of which in the Vialonga Brewery and 3 150 in the Água de Luso filling unit in Mealhada, with an installed power of 1 MWp in each unit, representing a global investment of 1.4 million Euros. This will allow for a total solar energy generation of 2 845 MWh/year and for the reduction of about 1 200 tons/year in CO2 emissions, equivalent to the annual CO2 capture by 53 000 trees.

Lagunitas MAXIMUS
Lagunitas MAXIMUS is back in Lisbon and promises to keep company to all its fans. This beer, with a pronounced malt flavor and characteristic hop intensity that gives it an intense fruity aroma, is so easy to drink that everyone will want to taste it.

Luso Fruit Kids TuttiFrutti
Designed for children to make their days more flavorful, Luso Fruta presents the new Luso Fruta Kids TuttiFrutti variety, a natural, healthy and very refreshing drink for the little ones. With Água de Luso and fruit juice, no artificial colorings, preservatives, sweeteners and added sugars, containing only the natural sugars of fruit, the 20cl Luso Fruta Kids TuttiFrutti format is a delicious drink and ideal for playtime.

Heineken 0.0 Can format
Heineken® launches the 33cl Heineken 0.0 can format in Portugal. Preserving the unmistakable taste of a Heineken®, even after the dealcoholization process, Heineken 0.0 is a soft-body beer, with fruity notes and a perfectly balanced malt taste, to be enjoyed anytime, anywhere.

Bandida do Pomar Maçãs Ácidas
Bandida do Pomar, the first cider with a Portuguese name, introduces a new bold flavor. The distinctive characteristic of Bandida do Pomar Sour Apples is its sourer and hence less sweet taste, making it more refreshing and an excellent option for the more audacious looking for new summer drink options. Available until September in the brand’s star format, the iconic 50cl can.

Luso Fruta Maçã
Luso Fruta launches Luso Fruta Apple. With Água de Luso and fruit juice, no artificial colorings, preservatives, sweeteners and added sugars, containing only the natural sugars of fruit, it is ideal for those who care about leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Água de Luso Trusted Brand
For the 11th consecutive time, Água de Luso obtained a 65% score and was voted as Trusted Brand in the Table Water category.
Bohemia Session IPA
Bohemia presents new limited edition Bohemia Session IPA designed for hot summer days, a beer with an intense aroma of hops and marked bitterness, perfectly contrasting with the flavors of barbecues and spicy dishes. Amber in color, with a light and balanced body, as well as the freshness provided by selected hops, moderate alcohol content of 4.5%, make this an easy to drink beer.

Monde Selection: Água de Luso
Água de Luso is again Gold Medal winner in the prestigious International Competition Monde Selection de La Qualité, bringing to Portugal another prestigious award. For the 11th consecutive year, the quality of Água de Luso is recognized internationally.
Bohemia Pilsener Cevada do Alentejo
Bohemia presents its latest novelty, Bohemia Pilsener Cevada do Alentejo, a light, refreshing and very versatile beer, brewed with 100% Alentejo barley, in a tribute and stimulus to the production of 2-row barley in this region of Portugal, known as the "country’s barn", and Especially designed to accompany day-to-day dishes and snacks, Bohemia Pilsener Cevada do Alentejo has an organoleptic profile where the sweetness of malt balances with the bitterness of the hops, the light color, the aroma, the texture and the 5.7% alcohol content.

Special edition of Sagres beer cans
Sagres challenges the Portuguese to remember the best moments of the national football team with the launch of a special edition of Sagres beer cans alluding to the last European football championships and the “Quinas” team, for which we feel great pride since 1996 until the 2016 Champions League.

Albert Liège Spelt Ale
Trindade and Trevo beers pay homage to Albert Lourtie with launch of new Spelt beer. The Albert Liège Spelt Ale retrieves an old beer style forgotten in time, celebrating spelt, an ancestral cereal. This new beer is available in kegs and in a very innovative craft beer format in the Portuguese market: a 44cl can, with a differentiating label that includes a good dose of history.

F1® returns to Portugal with Heineken®
Twenty-four years later, F1® returns to Portugal with Heineken® beer as the race’s global sponsor, celebrating the world’s biggest motorsport event.
Luso Fruta BIO
In the scope of its continued commitment to innovation, combined with the development of unique flavors, Luso Fruta fulfils consumers’ wishes with the launch of Luso Fruta BIO, responding to their growing demand for organic products. Organically certified, the new Luso Fruta BIO has the same natural characteristics of Luso Fruta, with no sweeteners and only the natural sugars of organic fruit, no colorings or preservatives. As simple and natural as Água de Luso and organic fruit juice.

"Drinkies 360"
SCC - Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas has just launched "Drinkies 360", a new platform for online orders of your favorite drinks, delivered in returnable glass bottles at the most convenient date and time, with guaranteed pick up of empty crates and bottles for reuse.

Gluten-free Bandida do Pomar
Bandida do Pomar is the first cider brand available in the Portuguese market to have the approval of APC - Portuguese Celiac Association. The labels of Bandida do Pomar and Bandida do Pomar Maçãs Ácidas now include the international gluten free symbol, regulated by AOECS - Association of European Celiac Societies (Standard for Gluten Free Foods).

Luso water "Bag in box"
Launch of Água Mineral Natural de Luso in 10-litre bag in cardboard box, much more convenient and sustainable for home consumption, also representing a 56% plastic reduction compared to the 7-litre plastic bottle. Easy to use, the package includes a fitted tap.

Merger of SCC Group Companies
On January 4, SCC Group companies (Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, Sociedade da Água de Luso (which includes Termas de Luso), Hoppy House Brewing and Mineraqua) merged into one company named SCC – Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas.
Bandida do Pomar Frutos Vermelhos
Bandida do Pomar launches Bandida do Pomar Red Berries. With an intense and pleasant aroma of red berries, this new variety differs from the others with its perfectly blended sweetness with a touch of acidity, perfect to celebrate the arrival of spring and anticipate summer.

Annual RepScore™ Study - March
In the scope of the annual RepScore study™, published by consultant On Strategy, the Luso brand has just been recognized as one of the brands with the highest reputation for excellence in Portugal.
On a 100-point scale, Luso scored 82.3 as a reputation and emotional relationship brand in the food and beverage sector, an outstanding position ammong other renowned brands.
Sagres 0.0 Preta
Following the launch of Sagres 0.0 comes the new Sagres 0.0 Preta, the first stout beer in Portugal with 0.0% alcohol content, with an unforgettable taste, to be peacefully enjoyed any time any place until your thirst is fully quenched.

Pure Piraña
Ready to refresh next summer, Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas launches global hard seltzers brand, Pure Piraña. With only 92Kcal and 2grs/sugar per 330ml can and made with totally natural flavors, this new drink is for a modern generation of consumers increasingly aware of their consumption and lifestyle habits, positioning itself as a healthy alternative to sweet alcoholic beverages.

Sagres and Água de Luso Trusted Brands
Sagres beer and Água de Luso reinforce their position as Trusted Brands in the 21st edition of Readers's Digest Awards. Sagres beer and Água de Luso are distinguished for the 15th and 12th consecutive time, respectively.
Monde Selection
Sagres, Sagres Radler, Bohemia and Água de Luso are once again recognized and awarded Gold medals in one of the world's most rigorous competitions, the prestigious Monde Selection de La Qualité International Competition 2021.
Nuno Pinto de Magalhães is SCC’s new Board Chairman
Pinto de Magalhães, with a 47-year career at Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC), which he joined in 1974 and basically worked in all functional areas, is appointed as Chairman of the Board of SCC, owned by the HEINEKEN Group.

New Sagres Campaign
Following the "Portugal needs you" campaign, Sagres beer welcomes the summer and the good weather with a new multi-media campaign focused on the best that Portugal has to offer.