Organizational Structure
In April 2008, Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) and Sociedade da Água de Luso (SAL) were purchased by the HEINEKEN Group, Europe's leading brewer and one of the world's major companies, which took over 100% control of SCC and SAL.
SCC Group comprises Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (which resulted from the merger of SCC - Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, Sociedade da Água de Luso, Termas do Luso, Mineraqua and Hoppy House Brewing) and the nationwide Distributor, Novadis.
The group’s main activity is the production, filling, sale and distribution of beer, ciders, waters and soft drinks.
General Meeting Members
President: Abílio Neto;
Secretary: Martim Leitão Anahory;
Board Members:
Nuno Francisco Ribeiro Pinto de Magalhães (Chairman)
José Manuel Palmeiro Tobar
Luís Miguel das Neves Duarte
Maria Velho Cabral Moura de Oliveira
Supervisory Board:
President: André Miguel Andrade e Silva Junqueira Mendonça
Effective: Rui Filipe Lino Lavandeira
Effective: José António Fraga de Sousa
Substitute Member: Daniel Filipe Moreira Lopes
Statutory Auditor: Deloitte & Associados, SROC S.A.
Substitute Statutory Auditor: João Carlos Henriques Gomes Ferreira
Executive comission: