Our Message
Message and Commitments
As part of the HEINEKEN Group, SCC Group is aware that alcohol abuse is a complex problem for the Company and a great challenge for our Business, with no simple solution and requiring a transversal approach involving solid partnerships with the authorities, NGOs and experts to promote responsible drinking and widespread dissemination of the problems related with alcohol abuse and inherent risks.
“On the path to moderate consumption and end of alcohol abuse” is one of the commitments of HEINEKEN Group’s sustainability program “Brew a Better World”, based on 3 strategic pillars to which SCC is fully committed:
There is Always a Choice
Meaning that consumers know that there is always a choice, transparency and zero tolerance for alcohol. To this end, the company will continue investing in its low alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages to help consumers make their choice depending on their preference and occasion. Until 2023, the company undertakes to offer two non-alcoholic beverages in most of its markets.

Preventing alcohol abuse
Strongly committed to alcohol abuse, the Group will continue promoting local partnerships in the markets where it operates to jointly prevent alcohol abuse, discussing topics like the prevention of underage drinking, drinking and driving and binge drinking.

Encouraging moderation
HEINEKEN shall use the power and reach of its main brand by allocating 10% of Heineken® brand’s marketing budget to campaigns advocating responsible drinking so that its message reaches one billion people every year.

In terms of the brewing sector in Portugal, SCC a member of Cervejeiros de Portugal, actively addresses the problems associated with alcohol abuse.
We want to take the lead in this topic and make responsible drinking aspirational, taking the message directly to our consumers through our brands.