Our Initiatives
Our Initiatives
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, through its new Sagres 0.0% and Automóvel Clube de Portugal (ACP), adjust the partnership built in 2010, offering all members requesting road assistance a 33cl can of Sagres 0.0%, the perfect beer for any drinking occasion. Participating in this initiative, the only one of its kind in Portugal, are 30 ACP vehicles equipped with coolers offering consumers a perfectly refreshing new Sagres 0.0%.

The road safety campaign “Aprecie a Condução sem Álcool” welcomes emigrant drivers at the border of Vilar Formoso, raising their awareness to a safe and responsible driving without forgetting other safety aspects, namely the use of mobile phones. This initiative, organized by PORT.COM, in collaboration with GNR Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa and supported by BRISA and non-alcoholic SAGRES beer, was held on July 29 and August 1 and 2.

“When You Drive, Never Drink”, is the fourth chapter of the commitment sustainably assumed by Heineken® conveying the clear message not to drink if you are going to drive. In a global partnership with Formula 1® this campaign acted as a platform to emphasize Heineken’s® commitment to conveying responsible messages.

In association with Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa, the non-alcoholic Sagres beer, Brisa and Galp presented an innovative initiative to raise awareness to moderate and responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages, encouraging safe driving.
Under the slogan “Aprecie a Condução sem álcool”, the campaign took place between December 22 and January 2, with an increased focus during Christmas and New Year. The campaign was implemented in the service stations of Aveiras and Pombal, on the A1, and Alcácer, on the A2, in both directions of the motorways. This campaign was relaunched in 2018 at Easter time.

In 2016, the campaign “Moderate Drinkers Wanted” culminated in a new film, with an iconic soundtrack and a clear message stressing the importance of responsible drinking as a personality differentiating factor.

Sagres 0.0% alcohol and the retail chain Minipreço presented an innovative initiative to raise awareness to moderate and responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages, encouraging safe driving.
Under the slogan “Aprecia com moderação cada dia”, the campaign was implemented across the country between July 15 and August 13 in all Minipreço supermarkets.
This unique nationwide campaign was developed in a partnership with Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa (PRP), CoopTáxis and Associação Salvador and is the face of the project’s Social Responsibility.

“Enjoy Responsibly Day”
In 2015, on the 18th of September, SCC once again celebrated Responsible Consumption Day, with all the company's employees, raising awareness of the adoption of responsible behavior in relation to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
On this day, our mascot “Jolas” was present in the Lisbon sales area, at the Vialonga brewery and at our Novadis distributor, sharing and spreading the message that responsible consumption is a commitment that must be assumed by each of us.

Greenfest is the largest sustainability event held in the country and celebrates the best of what is made in the following three areas: economic, social and environmental.
As a privileged venue to communicate the company’s sustainability commitments to its Stakeholders, SCC has been associated with this festival since its first edition.
This year, we challenged visitors to try different devices that simulate the effects of driving under the effects of alcohol in an educational and entertaining manner, raising awareness and promoting Responsible Consumption.

Santa Boleia
Concerning the Safe Driving issue and under the slogan “Holy Ride”, Sagres the leading beer brand in the Portuguese domestic market, launched a unique initiative offering the Lisbon population and anyone else interested free transportation on the evening of June 12 to the 13 to Lisbon’s Popular festivities, the most popular and crowded in the city, with a large attendance of around 360 000 people.
This action demonstrates not only its concern for consumers’ safe driving and well-being but also encouraging their individual and social responsibility.
Sagres Bus was available between 7pm and 3am to take on board all interested passengers, offering entertainment to around 450 passengers to the sound of the popular saints’ music, ensuring that the party spirit was not lost at any time during the evening. Sagres has also specifically developed a QR Code for this initiative, enabling to locate the bus in real time.
This initiative was communicated in our website and in the newspaper METRO, which is distributed on the streets. This action aims to offer the Lisbon population an alternative for people to enjoy themselves in a responsible and safe manner.

Cais - Futebol de Rua
A Fundação Luso, no âmbito do seu apoio à Comunidade apoia, desde 2005, o projeto de Futebol de Rua da Associação CAIS tendo renovado esta parceria, durante a Conferência de Imprensa de apresentação da Final do Torneio Nacional de Futebol de Rua 2015, a qual teve lugar no GNRation, em Braga.
Durante os cinco dias do torneio, os cerca de 250 participantes, jogadores, treinadores e responsáveis, participaram num workshop proposto pela Central de Cervejas, e em parceria com a PRP – Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa, dedicado ao tema da Segurança Rodoviária e Consumo Responsável, convidando-os a degustar a Sagres Radler 0,0% e Sagres Sem Álcool e a experimentarem vários simuladores (Simulador de Álcool, Simulador de Reação e Simulador de Força de Embate) que recriam de forma educativa e lúdica, os efeitos da condução sob o efeito do álcool, num processo dissuasor do consumo de bebidas com álcool.

"Don't let excessive consumption speak for itself"
On September 29, a closing session to the internal Enjoy Responsibly Day took place, with two special invitees, the standup comedian – Salvador Martinha, who, in a humorous way, shared the messages of "Don’t let abusive consumption speak for you" campaign, and Salvador Mendes de Almeida, founder of Associação Salvador, who shared his testimony as a victim of the consequences of drinking and driving.
Ronald den Elzen, SCC’s CEO made the final statements reinforcing the message: "Enjoy Responsibly is a commitment of each one of us".

“≥16 Music is for all ages. Drinking is not”
Heineken® beer promoted several Responsible Drinking and Environment awareness campaigns during Optimus Alive '13
Heineken® beer, a premium brand in the drinks' portfolio of Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, was Premium Sponsor and Official Beer of Optimus Alive '13 for the second consecutive year. During the event, it promoted the moderate and responsible consumption of beer in a unique way among all festival goers aged 16 and above, as well as the adoption of good environmental practices.
Under the slogan "Are you sure you're not making a fool of yourself? Drink in moderation”, different duly identified assistants challenged festival goers during the three days of the festival to experience the effects which excessive drinking has on behavior. All those who participated in this initiative were filmed while walking along a line drawn on the ground and using special glasses that simulated what a person can actually see with approximately 0.8g/l of alcohol in the blood. Around 1 100 festival goers joined in this initiative, being entitled to win tickets to Optimus Alive’14.
Simultaneously with this action, all the bars and drinks' cups used at the festival's venue had the following message “≥16 Music is for all ages. Drinking is not”, raising festival goers' awareness to the legal age for drinking beer.

"Those who get a ride with us have it all”
On the evening of June 12, SAGRES beer, the leading brand in the domestic market, once again offered the Lisbon population and anyone else interested, free transportation to the Lisbon popular festivities. Under the slogan "Quem tem a nossa boleia tem tudo", the Sagres bus, available hourly between 7pm and 3am, travelled between Belém and Santa Apolónia, with stops in Santos, Cais do Sodré and Santa Apolónia and travelling through the most typical neighborhoods for these festivities.
Sagres beer also developed a mobile version site (www.sagres.pt/qr/santos) specifically for this event, which enabled to locate the bus in real time. On this page, also accessible via QR and available on the brand's different communication media, the Sagres bus itinerary was also shown, with a map of its location and Instagram fed photos shared with the hashtag #somoslisboa.
This is another action included in the scope of the brand’s social responsibility policy, reflecting its concern with the issue of safe driving and its consumers’ well-being and safety, promoting the latter’s individual and social responsibility.

Cerveja Sagres offers free transportation to the Lisbon Popular Festivities
On the evening of June 12, SAGRES the leading beer brand in the domestic market, offered free transportation to the Lisbon population and anyone else interested, to travel around the sites where the Lisbon popular festivities were taking place, in a unique initiative in Portugal. The bus was available every hour between 6pm and 3am, with the bus travelling between Belém, Santos, Cais do Sodré and Santa Apolónia, passing through the most popular neighborhoods for these festivities. The limited-seating capacity bus, whose slogan was "Somos Lisboa a marchar e uma boleia sem pagar," offered entertainment and popular music ensuring that the party spirit was not lost even for just one moment. This is another action included in the scope of the brand’s social responsibility policy, reflecting its concern with the issue of safe driving and its consumers’ well-being and safety, promoting the latter’s individual and social responsibility.

Responsible Drinking and Driving
Moderate and Responsible Consumption of Beer is one of the top priorities of SCC and Sagres' Corporate Social Responsibility policy.
To communicate and raise the awareness to this problem, especially among youths between 14 and 18, with ages close to the legal driving age, we were present at Futurália 2012 – Salão de Oferta Educativa, Formação e Empregabilidade, an event held from March 14 to 17 at FIL (Feira Internacional de Lisboa), which was visited by around 50 000 students and youths from all over the country.
In a partnership with the PRP – Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa (Portuguese Road Prevention) these youngsters were given the opportunity not only to taste our non-alcoholic Sagres Zero, but also to try out different simulators that simulate, in an educational and recreational manner, the effects of driving under the influence of alcohol. The simulators available at our Sagres Zero stand were: motorcycle driving simulator, reaction simulator, collision power simulator.
The aim of Sagres Zero was to raise the awareness of these young future drivers to responsible and safe driving under the slogan, “SE VAI CONDUZIR BEBA SAGRES ZERO” (Drink Sagres Zero if you're driving)".

Family conversations
In October, the amphitheatre of the Vialonga Factory was the chosen venue for the initiative “Conversas em Família”, intended to reinforce SCC's major concern and commitment to Responsible Drinking.
This action was developed in association with EPIS (Empresários pela Inclusão Social), and open to all SCC's staff and respective families. The aim of this responsible drinking initiative was to raise our Staff's awareness, explaining and giving out information on this issue preparing them to talk about it in an effective manner with their families.
“Conversas em Família” was held in three sessions at different times enabling attendance by staff members who work shifts. These sessions were led by Professor Carlos Fernandes da Silva (BSc and PhD in Psychology) member of the Scientific Board of EPIS, who in addition to a presentation on responsible drinking, interacted with the audience by answering various questions.
This was another action included in the Brewing a Better Future - Produzindo um Futuro Melhor program, covering two important subjects: Staff Engagement and Motivation and Responsible Drinking.

Sagres Zero offered free blood alcohol content tests at the 30th Faro Motorcycle Concentration
Sagres Zero challenged the Motards attending the Faro Motorcycle Concentration to have a free test of their blood alcohol level, in an initiative that reinforces Sagres Zero’s position by focusing on accident prevention and safe driving.
During the 30th edition of the three-day event, on July 14, 15 and 16, Sagres Zero beer, leader in its segment, will be emphasizing its message “Drink Sagres Zero if you’re driving”, in this voluntary activity which will be held at a place specifically indicated at the venue. Anyone interested will be offered free and innovative alcohol tests, which with a simple contact with saliva deliver indicative quality results.
This is another initiative organized by Sagres beer in the scope of the brand’s Social Responsibility policy, which has also developed partnerships with Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa (PRP), Automóvel Clube de Portugal (ACP) and with the Portuguese three-time all-terrain champion Miguel Barbosa. In addition to the above, it has organized other activities with Civil Governments and local town councils with the aim of increasing consumers’ awareness to the adoption of responsible drinking habits and safe driving.

This is another initiative organized by Sagres beer in the scope of the brand’s Social Responsibility policy, which has also developed partnerships with Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa (PRP), Automóvel Clube de Portugal (ACP) and with the Portuguese three-time all-terrain champion Miguel Barbosa. In addition to the above, it has organized other activities with Civil Governments and local town councils with the aim of increasing consumers’ awareness to the adoption of responsible drinking habits and safe driving.
Santa Boleia (Holy Ride)
Sagres offers free transportation to the Lisbon Popular Festivities
On June 12, SAGRES beer, leader in the domestic market, offered free transportation to the Lisbon population and anyone else interested, to travel around the sites where the Lisbon popular festivities were taking place, in a unique initiative in Portugal. “Santa Boleia” (Holy Ride) was available to whoever was interested, between 6pm and 4am, with the bus travelling between Alcântara, Cais do Sodré and Santa Apolónia, passing through the neighborhoods with the strongest tradition for these festivities. The location of the three stops, Alcântara, Santa Apolónia and Cais do Sodré, were identified with the image of a SAGRES beer bottle. SAGRES’ bus, “Santa Boleia”, with a maximum capacity for 46 passengers, offered entertainment with Portuguese popular music being played all the time, ensuring that the party spirit was not lost even for just one moment.
This is another action included in the scope of the brand’s social responsibility policy, reflecting its concern with the issue of safe driving and its consumers’ well-being and safety, promoting the latter’s individual and social responsibility.

Alcoholic Sagres with “Responsible Drinking”
Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) has gradually and voluntarily added the “ENJOY IN MODERATION” logo to its labels and packs in all Sagres range of alcoholic beers, contributing to an improved visibility of the message by all consumers.
This logo can be found in all one-way Sagres beer packs and will be gradually added to the labels and/or necks of all Sagres references’ refundable bottles. This logo calls for the moderate consumption of alcoholic beer.
In the scope of its Corporate Social Responsibility, moderate and responsible drinking is one of SCC’s key concerns. This concern, especially towards young people, is explicit in its various communication materials, namely as it was the first Portuguese brewer to advertise an appeal to responsible drinking in a product’s label, by adding the message “Be Responsible. Drink in Moderation” in line with the responsible marketing principles which it advocates.

Sagres Zero increases drivers’ awareness to the hazards of drinking and driving
In 2010, Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) and Automóvel Clube de Portugal (ACP) launched a unique action in Portugal. Any driver who calls ACP for road assistance services is offered a Sagres Zero, available in one of the 32 mini coolers which SCC installed in ACP’s road service and assistance vehicles.
Through this action, SCC and ACP aim to promote safe driving and prevent drunk driving, safeguarding the interests of the Portuguese in general and those of car and motorcycle drivers in particular.

Partnership with the Portuguese World
In the summer of 2008 and in a partnership with the newspaper dedicated to Portuguese emigrants Mundo Português, SCC developed a responsible drinking awareness campaign held close to the national borders, offering Portuguese emigrants who were visiting home a bottle of Sagres Zero.
“Carreira Zero”
Likewise, the awareness campaign “Carreira Zero” was held throughout 2007 and called for the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages. During this period, two buses dressed in the colours of Sagres Zero circulated at night around the busiest entertainment spots in Lisbon and Porto, offering free journeys to all passengers who opted not to drive. The aim of this initiative was mainly targeted at young people alerting them to the need to adopt preventive behaviors to avoid road accidents, reinforcing the efforts undertaken by Sociedade Central de Cervejas. These buses were used by those who did not feel safe to drive or simply preferred to use a more practical means of transportation.

A Breath for Life
To increase youngsters’ awareness to the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages was the objective of the campaign “Um Sopro pela Vida” (A Breath for Life”), sponsored by Sagres beer. Launched by the Civil Government of Lisbon in March 2005, this action was held over a 24-month period in the Lisbon night with a series of educational activities. A number of fixed alcohol meters were installed in over 15 of the district’s night clubs, to be used free of charge, as well as 5 000 portable devices were distributed and used by those who wanted to measure their alcohol level in the blood before deciding on whether or not to drive. Another action held in the scope of this subject was the distribution of 60 000 leaflets with the message “Don’t drink and drive”, alerting the population to the dangers of drinking and driving and informing about the punishments foreseen by the law for all trespassers. The association of Sagres with this project clearly shows the company’s commitment to the promotion of responsible and moderate drinking habits.